Elegance corals


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I'm just curious how many in the area have had success keeping elegance corals. I've seen quite a few for sale in local shops. Here are some questions:

How long have you had it?
What kind of light do you have?
Where is it placed in the tank?
Have you ever fragged it?

Photos would be interesting to see, too, if you have some.


I had an ellegance coral for 2 years in my 75gal reef tank. I housed it under power compacts. When I bought it it was the size of a golf ball. And when I sold it (to TonesterMan) it was the size of a softball. I kept it in the same spot for those 2 years. Mid way in the tank, in full light with moderate water flow. So it can be done! Here is a pic of mine right before I sold it. Oh I never tried to frag it.

I have not, but I researched it a while back. You may already know, but there is (or has been) a disease associated with these for a while now (2 years or more?) that kills the bulk of them off... Borneman was working on this..

Just checked, and he did an update on is MarineDepot Forum:


Good info. I'll tag along and see what other folks have done in the area.


[QUOTE=][B]Melissa;29767 wrote:[/B] I'm just curious how many in the area have had success keeping elegance corals. I've seen quite a few for sale in local shops. Here are some questions:

How long have you had it?
What kind of light do you have?
Where is it placed in the tank?
Have you ever fragged it?

Photos would be interesting to see, too, if you have some.

A local Maconite has had one in his tank for the last three years. Good size, under 400w halides on the bottom of a 30"deep tank. Don't know much more about it, but I may be babysitting it while he redoes his system, so I'll keep watching this thread!
The elegance that I got from Juston51 (Justin) is doing great. Had him in my display tank for a few days and he didn't seem to like it. So I moved him to my nano and is LOVING that. The lights in my display might have been to bright for him or the waterflow might have been too much.
i just brought one last week... its the size of a basketball..i too debated very hard and after an hour in the store ended up getting him..I havent seen these for sale in a long time...i have it directly under a 250w xm bulb....seems to be doing great..seems bigger then when at the store. i thought about fragging it,,,not yet though...been feeding it chunks of scallops and shrimp and dosing phyto more often... will keep you posted....
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that has to be one of the more beautiful ones I've seen. very nice.