Eliminating colonial Hydroids


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Any one had success eliminating colonial Hydroids from there tank without completely removing the live rock? I've got some in one of my my tanks that are spreading and want to eradicate them but they are on the base rock. I've read that using pickling lime and making a paste works on them but wanted to see if anyone else out there has had success with getting rid of these pests. Thanks!
On one of the Seahorse forums there is a long thread regarding eliminating hydroids with a horse dewormer.
Yep, unfortunately I can't use that because it would also kill my Feather duster worms and render the tank unable to support them for up to a year. I am trying a few different things right now and will let you all know if anything works.
Bob, what do they look like, I may have some starting up in the 24G.
<u>i use limewater paste. Then I pull out the dead bush in a week or so </u>
Have you tried joe's juice or a kalk paste on them? By chance is this one of your tanks you feed artemia to frequently? When I raised cardinals I always had hydroids because of feeding artemia? Do you decapsulate the eggs? Decapsulating helps but does not eliminate the problem.
fishwhisperer;250810 wrote: Have you tried joe's juice or a kalk paste on them? By chance is this one of your tanks you feed artemia to frequently? When I raised cardinals I always had hydroids because of feeding artemia? Do you decapsulate the eggs? Decapsulating helps but does not eliminate the problem.

Yes. I am sure that's how they started up. I just treated one area tonight with a healthy dose of Joe's Juice to see how it will work. If it doesn't, Ill try Ralph's suggestion and use the limewater paste method next.
thanks guys,
keeping my pipes fat causes the same problems (with Aiptasia, hydroids, algae).
I use Mrs. Wages pickling lime.
I have these all over my glass. I'm guessing it is the same.

Jonathan;250853 wrote: I have these all over my glass. I'm guessing it is the same.


That's one of the phases, mine look like the little brown polyps with feathery heads, the stingy hydroids.

Ralph - How do you make the pickling lime juice and apply it? I'll be picking some up tomorrow. so far Joe's juice does not seem to kill these things.
ro water & a couple of teaspoonfuls of powder. Make sure it looks like gravy. I use ap X syringe & I shut PH off for an hour or so. I make sure all of it is coated. sometimes it takes 2 tries to get them all. It's easy. I have killed parts of my SPS though, so be careful. they (sps) grew back as I blasted with Turkey baster. doh!
Thanks. I'll give it a shot tomorrow. I have no SPS just GSP and zoas/palys in this tank.
echinatl;251121 wrote: Let us know how it goes, i have the same problem!

Yesterday, I treated a large colony with Joe's Juice. I applied it liberally over the colony (had the powerhead turned off) and coated them pretty well. I did not notice much of an effect yesterday but this morning it looked like about half the colony had died. I am going to treat again this afternoon with Joe's Juice and see if it continues to kill them. I'll keep you posted. ralph's method would probably work better but I have some Joe's Juice on hand so that is what I tried.

Joe's Juice will work, however, Limewater is 10,000 times cheaper, and since it doesn't fly away, it works better.