Engineer Goby


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Ok so I realize that these guys are not really a goby nor are they a blenny. However has anyone had any experience with these guys? They are beautiful fish but they are growing like weeds. Lol I've read where they are peaceful passive fish and then I've read where they are as bad as moray eels. The latter meaning I want them out of my tank. I can't find an max size as the sources range from 1 inch to 12 inches... the one inch clearly being false. I have one whom is already a good 5.5 inches.
I've got one that's about 7 or 8" long in my 180 DT. He's peaceful and gets along with everybody in the tank. In fact, when my diamond goby moved into his "house", he just simply went to the other end of the tank and set up. I think I've read their max size to be about 12" in captivity. The smallest I've ever seen was probably around 4" long. Mine didn't grow very quickly. I've had him for at least 2 years now and he was probably 5 or so when I got him.
They are a mixed bag in regards to aggressiveness. In regards to size, mine was 6" long and was still growing. I wouldn't be surprised, given the right conditions, that they could reach 12" in captivity. They move sand around like crazy and build elaborate tunnels (hence their common name). I hear that they're best kept in pairs, as this will reduce aggression.

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I currently have 4. And since I don't have a deep sand bed they really don't do much digging. They more or less all stay together and swim in and out of their little rock. Most of the time they can be found swimming circles around their rock2v
I had one for 13 years back in the day. Great fish.

I currently have one thats about 13" that Ive had for 5 years now, used to have two but when I moved them to the 300 the larger one killed the smaller one and thats after living in peace for 3 years.

They are great fish, never had any other issues. But if you want more then one(which is really cool) get them small and at the same time. They will grow and fast.
On my wish list for when I have a large tank. Think they're cool fish.