Epsom Salt


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Anyone using Epsom Salt for Mag?!? If so, what types have you tried and tested to be safe?
I use it. What ever the brand that kroger sells. Comes in a blue bag type thing. Cost no more than 4 bux. Been using that for 2+ years now.
Use the reef chemistry calculator found online. There is in my eyes no need to use a store brand aquarium Mg, it's all the same stuff except "refined" more. I don't buy into that hub-bub. But hey, if you want to buy it and use it and it works for you, by all means use it! Don't fix it if it ain't broke!
google is everyones friend :)


This nifty little calculator should be EVERYONES friend! I don't know how you guys are dosing without it? Enjoy, it's a life savor!
Glad I could help. too bad I can't take credit for the site too :) It's a great site tho, just plug in your tank volume.....remember to try to get what your water volume is, not your whole tank! Try best to subtract for rocks and sand. From there put in your values of what you're reading, then what you;re going to does with and it'll calculate for you! And it even shows the "balanced" counter part that you should shoot for. Sooo simple.
I tend to mesure my Mg first and dose that. once thats up to par, then I check my CA then ALK. You want Mg in the tank first, if it's too low, you're going to precipitate either one out faster. And thats not good for keeping your levels up as long as you can.
I typically just add it to a cup of saltwater then slowly add it into the tank. In the past when I had a smaller tank, I used a cup that had a 1/4" ro turn switch thing on it to act as a drip. The CA really doesnt effect much same with the Mg, but the ALK will effect pH.
glxtrix;157845 wrote: I typically just add it to a cup of saltwater then slowly add it into the tank. In the past when I had a smaller tank, I used a cup that had a 1/4" ro turn switch thing on it to act as a drip. The CA really doesnt effect much same with the Mg, but the ALK will effect pH.

The issue with dosing it that way is you will form Magnesium carbonate because of the carbonates in your tank water. You should mix it with R/O to achieve maximum results.

Magnesium will not affect calcium, but it will affect alkalinity if you create a super saturation.
This is great info...I love the calculator...Thanks glxtrix! Im going to try the Epson salt route, its sounds pretty easy. Need to get a test kit first though.