euphyllia corals


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reading some conflicting info can torch corals be placed in close proximity? any of you guys do this? got a torch coral and some other corals comin from aquasd tomorrow and i want to place the torch close to my other torch wondering if they will sting/kill each other
From what I've read yes you can, they just shouldn't be too close to anything else. When I had mine in my tank they were close to one another and didn't have any issues.
i placed the torch next to the other torch coral and they havent killed each other lol thanks everyone
Well Hui's photo defies everything that I've read, lol.

I've read torches are ok touching if from the same area, ie don't put Indos next to Aussies.
I've also read torches will kill hammers & frogs and about everything else they touch.
I guess I need to stop reading and just look at pictures.
I’ve had no problems grouping torches of different types. Similarly, no problems grouping hammers and spawns.

and as for putting torches with hammers/spawns, I’ve had success when the torches were above. They never stung corals under them. Just my experience though