Evaporation Rates


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Just curious what you guys are seeing. I have a 120DT with a 40g sump and I was seeing about 1.5 gallons/day evaporation. I recently added glass tops to my display and this took me down to a measly .50 gallons/day evaporation. Easily the best thing I've done to my tank in terms of fighting evaporation needs.
When the heater was running, I was at about a gallon and a half to two gallons a day on my rimless 100g. It has gone down to around 3/4 to a gallon a day since switching on the A/C.
Oh that's interesting. I put the glass tops on at around the same time, so i'm sure that the massive reduction in evaporation is probably both the glass tops and the A/C switch.
Well, in reality, the A/C has not been running all that much given the temperatures. I imagine a lot if it has to do with the overall HVAC not running as much. I imagine evap rates will increase once the A/C starts to run for longer periods.
It probably isn't the A/C but the humidity in the air. Winter is naturally dryer so the air is less humid and will pull from the tank. In the spring and summer, the air is very humid and won't pull as much.
The A/C will pull humidity levels down quite a bit when it gets going. My condensation pump really works hard during the summer months. So, evaporation will increase for me, that I am certain.
ghbrewer;1027764 wrote: The A/C will pull humidity levels down quite a bit when it gets going. My condensation pump really works hard during the summer months. So, evaporation will increase for me, that I am certain.

This is exactly the case. In the past when Data Centers ran magnetic tape we would introduce steam into the airstream because the AC removed all moisture in the air and would result in static electricity.
My 75 with a canopy on top is loosing a gallon a day. It's been consistent for the last two weeks as I've monitored it with consideration of using Kalk.

Also considering a 10 gallon ATO or something larger than the 5 gallon jug I'm currently using. Just getting tired of dumping $$$ every week into this box of water...
Camellia - I use a dog food container (8 gallons) with the tunze ATO. It's magical.
Camellia;1027934 wrote: My 75 with a canopy on top is loosing a gallon a day. It's been consistent for the last two weeks as I've monitored it with consideration of using Kalk.

Also considering a 10 gallon ATO or something larger than the 5 gallon jug I'm currently using. Just getting tired of dumping $$$ every week into this box of water...

That seems like a lot, on my screen topped 75g I loose about 16-20oz daily, just set up Hydor smart top offs on both of my tanks, each is feed by a 5g jug that is tied to a float sensor actuated RODI line (never have to fill it). Cost $103 for each tank, never having to manually top opp of fill the ATO...priceless.
I think it's probably a good idea to include tank temps and other things that might affect evaporation.

My 120 stays at 79.3 degrees and the room it's in is usually around 70-74 depending on the season. I have glass tops on the tank and two herbie drains, so almost 0 splashing. I use LED lighting as well. I lose about 0.5 gallons per day in evaporation right now. I'll be curious to see if it changes once the A/C starts running more often.
There are numerous factors that can effect your evaporation rates.

Mine tend to be very high because I have a dehumidifier running 24/7 in the basement with the sump so the air stays dry. I also have a 24" box fan blowing on the sump in the summer(that accounts for probably 5-8 gallons a day alone) but I never need a chiller.

No matter what your evaporation rate is, a good ATO is a life saver.
The good news is, evaporating water removes latent heat which reduces your water temp.
dball711;1028278 wrote: That seems like a lot, on my screen topped 75g I loose about 16-20oz daily, just set up Hydor smart top offs on both of my tanks, each is feed by a 5g jug that is tied to a float sensor actuated RODI line (never have to fill it). Cost $103 for each tank, never having to manually top opp of fill the ATO...priceless.

It's probably because I run 2, 175W MH and have a fan in the top of the canopy. There's also a Radion with a small fan but that's not pulling much air.

I've got a Tunze ATO pump in the 5 gallon jug. A 10 gallon RO reservoir would be perfect for my system!

I was using a 7 gallon Salinity container but I like to be able to see the water level sooo.