Exterminators around tanks?


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I need to have my house exterminated- the normal bugs and stuff, but have always been leary about the tank and sump area.

Can anyone provide any insight? Any recommendations, things to say / ask for, etc?
Can't really help with the question part, but I have my exterminator double up on the outside wall where my tank sits. I also allow her to go around the baseboards with that pinpoint nozzle. I have to believe if the stuff they use gets in the tank it would do some damage. I wouldn't let them spray around my tank under any circumstance.
On the same topic, I have left specific instructions for wife, house guests, and cleaning service NEVER to spray ANYTHING near the tank. Especially with canopy fans blowing into the canopy...
I have seen this wipe out 2 tanks and here is what I would say.

1) Make sure they are direct spraying with a nozzle and not just broadcasting or bombing!

2) Make sure the house is well ventilated during the process, you want the fumes out ASAP. Some people try to turn the lights off and basically seal their tank off. I would recommend against that as I think the air exchange will help as long as the house is well ventilated.

3) If you can find an exterminator that uses organic methods it's much safer for the tank since they don't use harsh chemicals. They work just as well!
There are "pet safe" chemicals that most companies use on all locations, pets or not. I've had a pest control contract for the entire 5 years I've been in my house and never had an issue. I know he doesn't spray directly around the tank, but he definitely sprays in the same room. He uses one of those pinpoint type sprayers like you can use for weed killer (pump container & spray wand).

Typically, they only spray around entry areas which would be doors, windows, toilets, etc. so if your tank is away from those, you should be fine.
I only treat the outside of the house. Once a barrier has been established it seems to keep all the critters outside. I use a potent chemical I bought at a do it yourself pest control place. I haven't seen any bugs inside the house in the two years I have lived here.
I remember reading about a story where this guy needed to get his house bombed. He basically sealed off the tank but forgot that the skimmer still pulled in the air from the room and ended up with a crash.
All I can add is don't let them put the solid food/ paste on top of the tank/canopy. I say this because one of the tanks I take care of had their house treated and the pest control man told the clients it would not go in the tank because it was a solid. Well after the lights came on it melted the solid and it ran into the tank (think choclate) it killed a half dozen of her fish. Remember most of the people spraying pest products have no idea of how are tanks run.
Chris, are you having an existing pest problem (i.e. ant infestation, roaches, whatever) treated or just getting a contract to keep out any new elements of the insect nation?
George;49914 wrote: Chris, are you having an existing pest problem (i.e. ant infestation, roaches, whatever) treated or just getting a contract to keep out any new elements of the insect nation?

Both.... I never got around to doing anything since I built the house 6 years ago beyond the initial treatment because of the tanks. I have an occasional roach problem and some bugs here and there, but nothing too bad. I'm looking to sell soon, and the last thing I want is a roach running across the floor when potential buyers are in the house.

I've setup an organic treatment for next Thursday, and will take the contract with me to the new house.
I had my house sprayed a month ago and I made sure they stayed away from my tank. I also turned my protien skimmer off. They used the "Organic" type product with a very small nossel to pinpoint spray. The smell is supposed to be sented, but I still found the smell horrid. Since my house is so small I was really worried something was going to happen. I had an ant problem that I couldn't kick and it was a last resot to call the exterminator for fear of my tank. I left the protien skimmer off for about a day or until i thought the smell was minimal. Everything worked out ok.
Cool- thanks for the input. I think I'm going to keep the lights off, turn the skimmer off, and possibly cover the tank and open the windows to that room...