External pumps? -QUIET!?


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I searched but only found a WTB for a quiet external pump. So - who has a good solution for one? Need it to be 1400 gal+ for a closed loop.

Also - does anyone have good tips on making a cabinet quiet? Right now, I have the sump and pumps on a plastic yoga type mat. So far it works ok, and cuts some vibration and the pumps and bio-balls all report a zen-like feeling. All tips welcome. Also - if I start posting/ranting too often here, someone slap me with a hose. Until then - thanks for all of the help. I love this forum - even if my wife does view it as competition right now. :)
The Reeflo Darts are really quiet and great for a closed loop. They move tons of water, too. Usually, the only noise is the vibration if it's hard-plumbed, which can be overcome with a short run of Spa-flex or vinyl tubing to absorb the vibration. Ampmasters are supposed to be dead-silent, too, though I don't see as many rave reviews for those as I do the reeflos.
And the Dart is very cheap for what you get. Casper is selling a NIB cheaper than you can buy new as well.

Put some non-reactive rubber (mousepad with no dyes) under any pumps in your sump. Also, do you hear any water noise coming from the returns or the skimmer?
I ran a Sequence Dart on my 100 gal system and it was very quiet (although I recognize that's a subjective description) - much more so than my skimmer. You can put a foam pad of sorts to combat the vibrations on louder pumps, which can sometimes significantly reduce noise. I also like how Sequence Darts don't overheat or send the heat they generate into the tank.
When I heard Kayla's Sequence Dart, I was pissed that I bought something different. They are extreemly quiet for a pump that moves that much water.
+1 on the Sequence Dart.

Another one with a good reputation are the Velosity line pumps... although I think they've since changed names AGAIN and I'm not sure who's label is on them these days.
Blueline pumps are quiet as well. YOu can line the inside of your stand with some of the 1/2" foam insulation to cut back on some of the sound.
The Dart pumps are really awesome! Super quiet and very little to zero added heat from what I can tell. I love mine.
I have a PanWorld pump (just like a Blueline) and it is really quiet as well.
The Velocity pumps are quiet. I have seen one running at two different LFSs and was impressed. However I have been told that they add substantial amounts of heat to the tank!!! I would suggest you look into that before purchasing a Velocity if that is what you decide. :)