extremely high dKH readings


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I set up a 5.5gallon tank and put some old sand and rocks. I have been adding seachem stability. I tested the water today and the dKH was 17 which seems to be too high. Is it possible for the dKH to be that high or is my test kit malfunctioning. The kit is a year old and I haven't used it in atleast 6 months. its an API kit. The nitrates came out to 5. Phosphates to .25 and calcium at 320. I used instant ocean salt. The tank is going to be a softies tank, maybe an lps.

Edit: oh and i am going through the diatoms phase right now.
Is you salinity correct as well? If using a refractometer, may want to recalibrate it. Just as precaution.
I'd get it retested before you do anything, probably time for a new test kit, I like the Red Sea kits personally
Also just to check your not using a ph buffer are you? That will raise alk
there is nothing in the tank and yes it is new. I believe the cycle is done with now though.

Edit: also i am not using any sort of buffer.
Also, make sure you did the test correctly. Sometimes user error is the problem.
i redid the test twice more and got a dKH of 4, then shook the test kit bottle vigourously and redid it and got a dKH of 7-8 which i believe is the desired parameter?
Yes but if your test kit is giving you such varied results it's probably time to suck it up and buy a new one, most people don't recommend the API kits but I have never used their alkalinity test so I can't tell you how good or not it is.
blind1993;876852 wrote: i redid the test twice more and got a dKH of 4, then shook the test kit bottle vigourously and redid it and got a dKH of 7-8 which i believe is the desired parameter?

For 99% of test kits, all reagents should be shaken prior to use, and it is usually stated in the instructions. I would redo the test, making sure you shake the reagants. If you get a consistent reading at 7-8, then you are probably good to go.
Acroholic;876877 wrote: For 99% of test kits, all reagents should be shaken prior to use, and it is usually stated in the instructions. I would redo the test, making sure you shake the reagants. If you get a consistent reading at 7-8, then you are probably good to go.

True however, think of Italian dressing. Shake it every time and the mix stays correct. Use it once without shaking and the mix is no longer right no matter how much you shake it.

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10 drops is .5mL. .5ml in a 40ml bottle doesn't do too much of a difference; 1.25%. I usually shake the bottles prior to use but forgot this time and no in the directions it doesn't say to shake the bottle(just went through it). I have been getting a consistent reading now. As far as a new test kit, not really worth it since im not putting any hard coral in there at all and no fish.