false percula not eating


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i have two false perculas that wont eat. ive had them for about a week or so and they will occasionally take a look at the pellets but dont seem too interested. and one is getting kind of skinny. anyone have any possible solutions to my problem?:sad:
I don't have a false but a true percula. he want touch pellets. i have to feed mine live or frozen brine shrimp. i thought that he was going to die but my LF store said for me to try some live brine. so i did and he ate like a hog.now he's doing great.
try flake foos especially of the same brand to get them to eat then ...formula 1 or 2 should do the trick good luck and keep us posted
I agree with all the above. Variety is the key. I vary what I feed every day--pellets, flake, frozen briine-mysys-etc., and my own mixture of blended seafood.

They'll eat something, you just need to find out what. And once they start eating one of the foods, they'll likely expand their horizon's once they get used to you as the food source.
I had trouble getting my percs to eat anything other than frozen foods then I picked up Brightwell Aquatics MaxAmino and with acouple of drops on the food my clowns will now eat anything you put in the tank.
I find it hard to belive that these ocellaris (which are undoubtedly tank raised) would not be familiar and happay eating any pellets, flakes, frozen, whatever, if there wasnt a medical problem. Do you see any abnomal behavior (ie-lethargy, excessive slime production, rapid respiration, etc.)?

Having a fish, any fish of any species, eat only brine shrimp is going to end in disaster. Brine have no nutritional value, so make sure you get those fish eating something else.