Feeding a bubble tip anenome


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Question on this I have had a few Contis in the past. This is the first Bubble. DO I need to put the krill right in the center? With the contis I could just touch the tentacle and it brought it in. I have had my bubble tip a week now and it won't take the krill in. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks
I'd imagine with each anemone it could be different, but all four of my RBTAs will take in whatever I feed them...I just touch the food to them and then release it, and they bring it to their mouth. I'd just keep trying and see what happens. BTW, you do not need to feed them daily, just every now and then.
If the anemone is not hungry, it won't take the food.

Feeding technique is the same, regardless of the specie of anemone.

The only exception to it not accepting food is if the tentacles aren't 'sticky', and that would indicate an ailing creature.

My two tri colored BTAs love raw shrimp. I pickup up a few 21 / 25s every time I visit the grocery store and feed 2 or 3 times a week. They grow really fast on my feeding schedule.
I feed my RBTA a large variety of frozen enriched foods, not just one. My will even grab pellets if fallen on it.
Try other goids like Rods & Larry's (the bigger pieces in the mix) brine, shrimp... Same foods as larger fish, a variety!
Bcavalli;1074851 wrote: My two tri colored BTAs love raw shrimp. I pickup up a few 21 / 25s every time I visit the grocery store and feed 2 or 3 times a week. They grow really fast on my feeding schedule.

do you feed them whole, cut off the tail, etc?