feeding actualy garlic


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I was at work, I work in a produce department of a grocery store, and saw they had jars of garlic cut up into pretty small pieces.
I also soak any kind of shrimp that i feed my fish in garlic guard. If I could get them to eat regular garlic, would that be a positive for them and their immune system?
I've used a fresh garlic clove in a cheese grater before to help get a tang to eat a few years back, but minced garlic contains phosphoric acid. not sure where that fits in the aquarium?
OK, I finally step up to the plate and ask........ Why is garlic considered to be such a great fish food?

I'm hesitant to feed garlic, for the same reason I'd never serve ground beef to my anemone (I've actually read an old article suggesting such).

Have studies been done on this topic? Do fish really benefit from it's use?
Studies have been done. Pm panda if ya want some links. No real nutritional value, but it definitely does entice them to eat more.
Garlic also boosts the immune system, like it does with people.

Just curious...I have used garlic guard forever. Is it being suggested I can just get away with buying minced garlic and use that instead? Just a bit concerned over potential additives.
Smoothie;395516 wrote: Studies have been done. Pm panda if ya want some links. No real nutritional value, but it definitely does entice them to eat more.
