Feeding Corals


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hey guys....as always thanks for the help:

I was just wondering if it's possible to overfeed corals that require occasional feedings of mysis, etc???
In my experience with LPS and softies you can not overfeed the corals to the point where it will hurt them but it will cause water problems as the nutrients build up.
Yeah, if I feed too much or even give too big of a chunk of mysis or whatever, they just release it and the hermits have a feast if my gramma or lawnmower don't eat it first.

What kinds of corals are we talking about here though?
I don't think you can overfeed them, feed as much as your tank can handle and not be a problem.
yeah if anything its just going to make them grow faster, or dirty your water if not eaten as stated.
ive got an open brain, hammer, frogspawn, Candy cane, various mushrooms, a couple of different varieties of zoo's, a green cap, a orange cap, a couple of pieces of SPS, a finger leather, a plate coral, and a gorgonian ( i think purple tree).

The ones that I've noticed i can feed directly are the open brain, the candy cane, the plate, and the gorgonian. More so, I was worried about the open brain because he can eat ALOT.

Thanks guys.