Feeding frozen foods -- thawing


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I have been mixing two different frozen foods together in a small jar along with some garlic, etc. Since I have very few fish to feed -- I have more food than I can feed at one time -- so I re-freeze the food, again and again.

I'm wondering if that's such a good idea? I noticed tonight that the clowns weren't as interested in the mix as they used to be -- could it be the re-freezing of the food mix -- or they're just being picky tonight?

I would only thaw out as much food as your are going to feed each time.
Excellent suggestions -- thanks to ALL

Did anyone loose power during this major storm?
When I make my fish food and its all blended up I just take 3 or 4 large ziplock freezer bags and fill them up partaily so when they lay flat theres a 3/8 layer make sure the airs out and then I stack them on a cookie cooling rack. ziplock then rack ziplock then rack and repeat this for all 4 bags gently sqeeze them together and freeze when there all frozen remove them from the freezer open the bags and there will be nice size cubes or long 1/2 strips from the cooling rack that you can just break off with your fingers whenever you feed your fish.... I am going to be making some more fish food this week and I will post how I do it step by step...
Its super simple and figgen easy with the racks. And super easy to get out just what you need... Or you will be breaking off huge chunks and wasting or overfeeding...
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OK...you gotta help a noob out here. I only have a Damsel and a gobie (takin it slow) and I have frozen brine shrimp and some other frozen herbavorish type product I fee the boys. As I pick through the parting out threads, I intend to stock up with shrimp, chromis, cardinal, tang and maybe an angel. Are you telling me you guys go to to grocery store and buy fish fillets, shrimp, squid etc... and toss it in the blender? Freeze it and break it off for feeding? Of course that makes perfect sense...its certainly closer to there natural diet than flake food.
Cookies still taste great too.....What she does not know wont hurt her shhhhhh:)

You're way ahead of me in the creative department.

I take two cubes (mysis + some other fishy stuff) and mix them together with flakes and garlic. I guess my major problem was the freezing and refreezing -- which Barbara has now properly cautioned me against.:sad:

Two cubes (even one cube) is too much food more my few fish. Cutting these suckers in half is not very easy frozen. I like your approach -- I could make the segments any size I need.

I saw where someone used egg crate like a frag rack and ziplocks to make cubes. Have not done it yet but going to just layer the bags or squish it down a bit in the freezer
I purchased a bunch of pill boxes at the dollar store.

Thawed out 1 cube of mysis and one of plankon then added some flakes and garlic. Took a plastic spoon and put a small portion for each day in the pill box. Still may be a bit more than I need -- so plan to feed a portion in the a.m. and put the remainder in the frig (not freezer) and feed that portion in the p.m. If any for that day remains -- I toss it out.

I may go back to feeding only once per day to avoid any over feeding potential.
I just throw the cubes in the tank...no thawing. It thaws in seconds.

I do like the eggcrate idea...I would give that a whirl. I have another few packs of food so when that gets low I'll be heading off to H-Mart to make some.
Barbara -- you really are a softie!

My clowns are the cutest -- they wiggle like crazy when I walk up to the tank. They seem to prefer the pellets with garlc -- while the cardinals and the goby like the frozen food I've mixed. Thus, feeding is a 2 step process.

Plus, I turn off the PHs to avoid the currents taking the food away -- the returns still push more water around than I like during feeding -- but I don't want to shut the whole system down for every feeding.