Feeding rbta


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I purchased a small RTBA from Atlanta Reef on Saturday. I have been trying to feed it a small piece of shrimp to no avail. I know that it is not time to panic yet, but what else can you feed these guys?
Just let it accustom to your tank. Has it been moving? What kind of lighting does your tank have? A lot of time, the lighting would be sufficient. I don't even feed mine for the past 2-3 months and it is still growing but not as fast as I was feeding it.
First, I've found that ay large, comparatively dense food like shrimp and silversides should be mashed up first, otherwise not only will the anemone have difficulty digesting it, when the food is expelled, it will be almost still intact and left in the tank, could cause a N02/N03 spike, depending on your system and clean-up crew.

Second, they'll eat pretty much anything. My RBTA has done very well with flake food and tank water in a turkey baster.

As long as the anemone's foot is attached to a substrate and it looks healthy, you have nothing to worry about.
I have 2 sets of 30 inch power compacts. A grand total of 260 watts on a 100 gallon tank. My Tank is a weird configuration. I already have a GBTA that is doing fine, so I don't think conditions are the issue.

The RBTA did move around alot for the first 24 hours, however, it has settled over the last 2 days in one spot. I thought of feeding it flake food. My GBTA eats shrimp like a lawnmower.

You are right about the composition and issues with feeding shrimp. Over time I have found what size shrimp the GBTA will consume without spitting it back into the Tank. So that has not been a problem.
How deep is your tank? I have a RBTA in a 14g Nano with 48 watts and it's doing fine...
My Tank is 25-30 inches deep. Rbta is probably a couple inches of the the bottom. I have plenty of LR where it can move up in the Tank, but it hasn't. I don't want to sound like a know it all, but I don't have any reason to think that the lighting is an issue at this point.

Like I said, I have a GBTA that is on a rock that the very bottom of the Tank and it is doing fine. If I see any evidence that the lightiing is an issue, I'll upgrade immediately. I probably would have gone with T5's in retrospect, but I didn't want the heat of Halides and I didn't know enough about T5's when I purchased my Tank.
Sounds like your GBTA is doing great with supplimental feedings. IF IT AIN'T BROKE, DON'T FIX IT, meaning if the GBTA has a long enough track record under that lighting and doing fine under your husbandry practices, then most likely your new RBTA will follow suit. As you said, just look for signs of stress in the animal and compensate for those changes.
How big is your rbta? I have a similar situation with my GBTA that's 1 1/2" in diameter! I've been feeding him mysis, but the shrimp keeps stealing it!!
Try wiggling the food as you feed the nem to create a natural struggle of the pray. May get the primal side of the nem going. For only a few days he should be fine. Just keep monitoring it and see you it is doing in it's new system.
My RBTA is only about an inch long. I was worried about feeding it because I am leaving town for a few days and wanted to make sure it was eating before I left town. I guess I need to calm down.
By all means, he can take a sabbatical at my house in your absence.......
Two things, but don't take them as gospel:
I was advised by a LFS that it is a good idea not to feed an anemone for the first week after buying it so it can settle down from the move.

Also, with it being that small I'd think chopped food would be the way to go... seems awfully small to eat shrimp or silversides.
Again, my anemone has lived almost solely on flake food for months. It's also that color enhancing flake food which could helps his palor, as its certainly enhanced the look of my Dendros