Feeding SPS!


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Ok Like the rest of the hobby I have herd 7,876,492.1 diff things to feed, I recently just started using DT's twice a week but was using Zooplex...I was then told that SPS don't eat DT's as they only eat stuff like zooplex...Some insight on this and preferbably some auctuall facts as I have looked but found nothing but opinions (still would like opinions).

Thanks Chris
I don't know if you want to go this route, but I just made my first batch of SPS food, known also as "pappone" in Italy (minus the HGH). Literally just put it in the freezer 3 minutes ago so I can't tell you how it's working, but here's a link to the method (recipe is about the 6th post down from the top): http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1086412">http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1086412</a>

Take special care and do lots of reading before throwing something like sugar or vodka into the mix (as a carbon source for nitrate reducing bacteria). There's a lot of "psuedoscience" involved so try it at your own risk. I'll start a new thread on my observations separately... I think Sam ("sammy33") has undertaken this method as well.
I feed corals 1-2X a week. Other than that I just let the fish feed them with their secretions (poo poo and pee pee).

That being said, corals can still make their own food through endosymbiotic photosynthetic bacteria and algae (english = microscopic organisms that turn light energy into sugar). Feeding only supplements "essential nutrients" or nutrients the coral itself cannot produce. I look at coral feeding as giving corals a multivitamin every once and a while to help boost coloration, growth velocity, and all around health.

I do not claim to be a Ph.D. in marine biology, so these opinions are just that... opinions based on a science background. Take them or leave them.

Good luck, and your vols are going to be CRUSHED on saturday.

p.s.--> Reef chili, reef snow, DTs, frozen rotifers and brine shrimp work for me.
A lot of people seem to feed DTs and think it is good stuff. I'm trying DTs and I'll let you know how it goes.
I am still using Phyto-feast and Roti-feast. As soon as I run out of this stuff I am switching to the Pappone recipe. I am using less phyto and more roti (different than the directions).

If you take a look at the thread that Jesse linked to and the Blu Coral threads on RC you will see that they use a specific technique and schedule for feeding. I think this feeding at night is the most important part of this. The other thing to note is that the food is mostly meaty items with a little dash of algae thrown in.

For many years I have added phytoplankton/zooplankton to my aquarium both during the day and also after lights out. One change I have made in the last year or so is that I only feed (the corals) at night now. This seems to make more sense as almost all of my corals have crazy polyp extension after lights out.
Tonight is my first Pappone feeding! yay! Sammy I didn't know you hadn't started yet. ya chicken? (just kidding!)
Resurrecting this thread to see if anyone is still using this method (Pappone) of feeding and what results (good or bad) they had?
I still havent' herd too much on this...since i am doing an all sps and clam build i guess that i can try and experiment