Feeding -- the great mystery -- for me


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I know, only feed what they'll eat in a few minutes. Well, I must be under feeding -- yet I have the typical issues from a nutrient rich water column.

Frequency is all together another issue. I leave for work very early -- before the tank lights are on. So, these guys usually get one feeding per day.

I've been feeding a single cube of frozen food each night laced with Selcon. I vary the diet among the various food types.

I've asked my wife to throw in a pinch or two of pellets in the morning and at noon (it isn't much). I read that some fish should be feed 2 or 3 times a day!

Anyway, has anyone established a good routine for feeding that seems to keep everything healthy, i.e. fish, coral, clams, and water?

This is probably a stupid question since every tank is unique with its own stock -- you can laugh at me if you need to.:lol2:
Generally I feed my lps corals by hand once a week and the tank every other day. FIsh and inverts are fat, corals multiply, and I don't have any problems with algae or cyano bacteria.
I was about to post a poll about this.

I feed twice a day, but I just recently got my nitrates stable below 5 (thanks to purigen) so I should reconsider my feeding schedule. But its a bad habit I carried from FW as if I did not feed twice a day they'd nip all my plants to death. Some fish do require more frequent feeding, but someone else will have to chime in on the best</em> method for achieving that...
I appreciate the feedback. Sounds like this is more of an issue than I realized (good to know I have company).

What I have found is the fish seem more docile if they're well feed -- they tend to get a bit edgy when hungry. The 2 tangs will try their scaple on each other -- and anyone else that they want to bully.

The downside is, of course, the water column becomes very rich with nutrients and up pops various forms of algae and Aiptasia, etc.

So, it seems to be a trade off -- a balance that I'm trying to find -- with help.

I think it will vary by system. Really, proper filtration is what you need. I'm not one to speak as I'm still using HOB filters, but with a good skimmer and other methods to clean the water you could feed constantly.

Some fish need to be fed more often. if you have clowns, maybe they can be fed once every two days, but if your tangs show signs of stress when you skip feeding, don't skip feeding.

A whole cube sounds like a lot to me though. When I was not using flakes, 1 cube lasted 4 fish about a week. (with flakes and 5 fish a cube lasts maybe a week and a half or 2 weeks). I prefer to feed less, more often.
I have had great success feeding for about 2-3 hrs before the light goes out, little bit every half hour that is about 4 to 7 feedings a day. But I only feed frozen foods.
just make sure what you put in, you export out through skimmer, fuge, GFO, carbon, carbon source (ala vodka, AZ-NO3), etc. It depends on how many fish & what type, and how big. Then the same goes for inverts. I feed hikari frozen and ocean nutrition, but I also make sure they are well rinsed, then I drop the Selcon on it. Also, cyclopeez every 3rd day. Twice a week, oyster eggs. Elos pellets 3x a week. I feed my cheato 2 drops of iron every other day and 2 drops live phyto every alternate day (for pods & growth). Tang gets nori 2 x a day soaked with a few drops of Selcon.

I don't think 1 cube is enough depending upon what u r feeding.
Thanks for the comments.

My fish stock:
2 small clowns
1 large yellow tang
1 large sailfin tang
1 small niger trigger
1 medium sand sifting goby
1 medium lawnmower blenny
1 6-line wrasse

2 peppermint shrimp (medium)
1 fire shrimp (mature)
1 sally light foot (mature)

I have a variety of corals too -- most of which are doing very well. (See my xenia post).

I feed my clam DT every night (2 small caps full)
I feed the fish 1 cube with Selcon (not rinsed -- but will)
I feed the tangs 1 small piece of nori daily

I have a 15g sump + 15g refugium (with some type of beautiful feathery green plant -- not cheato)

I run a LifeReef skimmer

I have a little bubble algae and a few Aiptasia now and then.

I change 10g of water <u>every</u> weekend using only RO/DI water for the mix and top-off.

I love this hobby and the time I spend cleaning, feeding, etc is satisfying for me.

Thanks for all the great help I've received -- I knew absolutely nothing in April -- now I'm almost dangerous!
DT is a liquid plankton. It must be kept in the frig and has an expiration date -- available at your LFS