Feeler Berghia Nudibranch Possible Group Buy


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So I know many of us in the Atlanta area suffer from aptasia, there are very few fixes for these outbreaks once they are to a certain point and normal solutions are usually a 50/50 shot at best. Livestock solutions consist of a few hit or miss aptasia eatting fish (files or copper butters ect), aptasia/mojana wands (likely wont remove smaller baby aptasia for a clean complete removal), and then there are the chemical solutions like aptasia-x. I have had no luck with lemon juice, kalk powder, or aptasia-x in terms of really putting a dent in an already out of hand situation so I am faced with a more ultimate solution; kill them or kill the LR and sand and start fresh carefully observing every single frag before adding it to my display. I have done a little bit of research and found there are a coral safe (not necessarily 100% safe from wrasse ect) nudibranch that specifically target aptasia as their staple diet. What this implies is that they will hide in the rocks for the most of the day and during night times they will group up and consume the aptasia in packs, leaving nothing behind to regrow or to seed new growth. I have not been able to find cases of berghia eatting anything other than aptasia. Medium sized berghia will lay eggs every 3-4 days usually resulting in a colony of berghia that will hunt until every last aptasia has been consumed. At this point you either let them wither away, culture an aptasia tank, or trade them to another ARC member that could surely use them.

SO, my question to ARC would be is anyone interested in possibly setting up a group buy? Maybe even one that could be shipped to a LFS where we would all pickup our portions of the buy in central location?

If 50+ were to be purchased at once they pricing would be <span style="font-size: 14px;"><span style="color: Red;">11.99</span></span> <span style="color: red;">PER</span>, usually you will want to have at least one medium per about 15 gallons to ensure they take off and do their job without getting ate first.

I myself will be purchasing 5-6 for my 75 gallon reef.

Edit: Also would like to include some good reading so that everyone is on the same page as far as how usefull these little buggers can be!

hehe, can one of you cut me a deal on some used berghia after you are done with them? ;)

I have like 3 tiny aptasia in my tank currently.
I figured there may be a few of us :p, since I myself already have an outbreak I may try to transfer some of these to a 20 gallon afterwards and maybe even raise some for local trade in north GA.

outdrsyguy1;843288 wrote: hehe, can one of you cut me a deal on some used berghia after you are done with them? ;)

I have like 3 tiny aptasia in my tank currently.

Quite possibly :D, I may pursue raising them as I haven't seen many people locally doing such, that and its quite easy to do (keeping aptasia that is) haha
i'm wondering how you propogate aptasia lol. I mean the normal way is just mentally wishing they were gone, which seems to be like miracle grow!
Blender mush em and spread it in the tank?
kilralpine;843285 wrote: So I know many of us in the Atlanta area suffer from aptasia, there are very few fixes for these outbreaks once they are to a certain point and normal solutions are usually a 50/50 shot at best. Livestock solutions consist of a few hit or miss aptasia eatting fish (files or copper butters ect), aptasia/mojana wands (likely wont remove smaller baby aptasia for a clean complete removal), and then there are the chemical solutions like aptasia-x. I have had no luck with lemon juice, kalk powder, or aptasia-x in terms of really putting a dent in an already out of hand situation so I am faced with a more ultimate solution; kill them or kill the LR and sand and start fresh carefully observing every single frag before adding it to my display. I have done a little bit of research and found there are a coral safe (not necessarily 100% safe from wrasse ect) nudibranch that specifically target aptasia as their staple diet. What this implies is that they will hide in the rocks for the most of the day and during night times they will group up and consume the aptasia in packs, leaving nothing behind to regrow or to seed new growth. I have not been able to find cases of berghia eatting anything other than aptasia. Medium sized berghia will lay eggs every 3-4 days usually resulting in a colony of berghia that will hunt until every last aptasia has been consumed. At this point you either let them wither away, culture an aptasia tank, or trade them to another ARC member that could surely use them.

SO, my question to ARC would be is anyone interested in possibly setting up a group buy? Maybe even one that could be shipped to a LFS where we would all pickup our portions of the buy in central location?

If 50+ were to be purchased at once they pricing would be <span style="font-size: 14px"><span style="color: Red">11.99</span></span> <span style="color: red">PER</span>, usually you will want to have at least one medium per about 15 gallons to ensure they take off and do their job without getting ate first.

I myself will be purchasing 5-6 for my 75 gallon reef.

Edit: Also would like to include some good reading so that everyone is on the same page as far as how usefull these little buggers can be!


I bought 9 from salty underground 1/2 in and they were around 10$ ea and 30 frt
They all came in great shape and alive
This is likely who I will be ordering from, this or reef town. I figure all you would need would be a 20 gallon, HoB filter, a light, and some aptasia :p. Other than that seems flake food would even yield vast amounts of aptasia left unchecked, could probably just reach in and smack em around a few times to reproduce; lay some rubble in and then move the rubble to where you are raising nudis lol.

<span style="color: Red">Currently Interested:</span>
Kilralpine -6
Darren24 -4
kzoo -4
stickx911 -2
I would always recommend buying in pairs as they hunt together and need each other to take down larger sized aptasia.
I am still interested in doing this, currently still working on a 120 pound sand swap. Could really use about 10 more to add to the order.
Didn't get enough people together to do a group buy at discount; I myself am taking a different route and setting up a new tank with new rock so ill have no need for berghia for now.
I have another idea if anyone else is interested. It's a gamble, but worst case scenario everyone is out $5 and best case scenario we save a bunch on nudi's and I continue to keep them to help out others in the club.

see my other thread http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=81769">here</a>

alternatively, I would be interested in a GB in a couple weeks just to save on shipping. I've already hit my reefing budget for right now