Fester's anemones.... Update


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Linda and I drove (further than anyone would ever guess) down to Fester's place and picked up several anemones. I was just wondering how they were doing in the member's tanks.

Mine (the smallest of them all) has split once and taken on a much deeper hue. I've started giving it mysis and peeled and mashed up shrimp and although I would definately NOT say its a rose color now, it has taken on a dark pink/salmon color, I'm surprised at how much darker its gotten. I was concerned after it split, as half of it was very light the first few weeks or so, but now its very colorful, happy and hasn't moved since the big tank switch over about the time I got him.

How about everyone else's?
I got the largest one (I think) and it has continued to get larger. No split yet. It has a happy host relationship with a clarkii who provides it exccelent room service. The color is light to dark pink, but I've just put a new Outer Orbit light fixture over the tank which might affect its color. It's on a rock ledge just above the sandbed. (Will try to post a picture tomorrow.)
The one I kept split one time and is still doing great. I don't feed it directly and it's stayed pretty low down in my tank, but it seems happy as ever. The clone is in another tank now.
Wow....this is great to hear.....except for yours Chris, sorry he met the PH....I still have one of those guys along with my big BT and LT....every thing else is gone....the big puffer now has a nice new home....

If you guys know anyone looking for a tank, i have several for sale....4 RR 30's a 60 and a 75.....there's a post of everything in the FS section....
Mine is a split off of Jesse's "Fester BTA" and he's doing great.. No split yet, but he's definatly growing!! When we brought him home, he was a tiny thing, and I thought the maroon was going to beat him to death, but now, he's much bigger than the clown, and could completely enclose him if he so chooses. I don't see many bubbles on the thing though, is that something to worry about??
Mine has no bubbles either.

Greg and lori, come by anytime if you miss him!
Mine has grown to huge proportions, but still no split. My brothers split and said mine looks like his did right before it split.
can't believe how much splitting has been going on.
I would have never guessed the one single 2" nem I got a couple of years ago for free from a neighbor would turn into over 25....you guys only got in on the second wave....I've done this once before...and if they mount another attack I'll do it again....lol....
does anyone closer than fester have one they would like to sell or donate to me i would appreciate it thanks you ......share the love