fighting low calc


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Ok so I admit I haven't checked my calc levels in sometime. I suspected that good coral growth and coraline algea growth meant good calc levels. I checked my mag level and it was at 800 then I checked my calc levels and they were at 250. Arrgggghhhh.

So, I checked the salt (switched to reef crystals) and the calc level was 400 for a fresh made batch of water.

So I dosed turbo calcium and checked the next day, it didn't move. So I dosed again with turbo calcium and will check tomorrow. I also doubled my flow through the calcium reactor and upped my CO2, as well as setup a Kalk drip. Anyone have any other suggestions.

My guess is that the boost might get me back to 400, but I've always had trouble maintaining calc levels. In the past I've generally only used the calc reactor as a means to dose calc. and I suspect this to be the problem. As for the mag levels I suspect this is low because of my low calc levels.

Your calcium will not rise until your magnesium is in check. I fought the same battle. Your magnesium needs to be around 1300. Then add the turbo calcium. This advise was given to me on the Reef Central Reef Chemistry forum and they were correct.
Darren you were spot on. I had a feeling that this was it. I've been moving my mag one day followed by my alk and calc the next. I've moved my mag up to 1100, my alk to 3.0 meg/l and my Calc to 350.

I figure a few more days and I should be back up to normal.

That leads me to a question, what does everyone else do to maintain their Mag levels?

<span style="color: black;">Keeping up with your regular water changes should be enough to keep you mag levels stable. I also dose mag supplements in between water changes.</span>
Yep I test my Mag and when low add a Mag supplement. I use Kent Tech M.
Just watch you Ph/Alk...with all those addatives and changes that quick will send them throught the roof!
The alk hasn't moved, and I have a ph monitor on the system. I stopped the kalk drip since I really don't have anything to do this properly. The mag doesn't seem to move ph or alk, and my calcium seems to be moving up on its own as I move my mag up. So I think I'm good on the ph and alk.

You need to hit the tank harder with Ca and then watch your Alk....those things will go hand in hand.....I am suprised that your Alk is not high with your Ca that low. Throw a bunch of Turbo Ca in your sump.

Darren is right....Mag needs to be 3 times your Ca level.....mine runs at 1600 plus.....

See string on the drive way heat Ca .....
Once you get Mag, Ca and Alk set to the correct proportions, a properly configured Ca reactor should keep them set correctly.
just make sure tho that you dont raise your Mg levels too fast, they say 100ppm per day is good. Just take it slow in raising your levels, too much to fast is never good.
Ok it looks like I have some sort of mag sink. I left the tank alone for a couple days, and rechecked this morning my mag is back down to 900. In 2 days it went from 1100 to 900. This flat doesn't make sense. The alk won't budge above 3 meg/l. The calc has slid as well back to 300. This is very aggrivating. The only thought I have is to change out my reactor media, since I've doubled my flow through the reactor as well as my effluent ph is around 6.8.

Growth is very high around 1/8" per week I have some sps corals but not that many, and I've had the tank up since March of 2002.