Filter for SW Reservoir???


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Are you supposed to keep a filter in your SW reservoir? I have a 44 gallon reservoir with a pump constantly moving the water but I wasn't sure if you were also supposed to keep any sort of filtration in it?

If so, what should it be?
not if you dont have any life in there, it should just be Fresh SW made from RO/DI
thanks lee.....its just a bit dirty but i guess that might be muck or some stuff coming off the two pieces of live rock (maybe not so live anymore) that I have in there......
yeah I would syphon that out if I were you. Due to no light you've basically been cooking that rock and I'm sure there is some die off going on....hmm might want to test that water for ammonia.
well it almost all went in the tank over the last couple of ill test tank water first.....

the reservoir is about 95% new water as of today.
lol, you've been saying that for 2 months now....heh, you crack me up.
lol...yeah.....i actually meant the water was all in the main tank......the rock is still in the trash want to get it out this weekend though.....we'll see.....