Filter help

krusty krab

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<span style="color: black;"><span style="font-family: Verdana;">I currently have 55 gallon fowlr with an Emperor 400 filter; I would like to have some opinions as to whether I should change to a canister type filter. It seems I may get more filtration from the canister type but I must be budget conscience. Any help would be most appreciated</span></span>
having that HOB is perfectly fine, I have similar on my anemone tank and it picks up a lot of crud that floats around the tank. Just make sure you have enough flow in there so it can properly remove any ditrus and whatnot. Remember its there for "added" help, you dont even need one, my reef tank has no filter other than natural filtration done by live rock and inverts.
If it were up to me, I would not use a canister filter on a tank, freshwater or saltwater. You can get the same amount of filtration (if not more) with out the problems with them turning into a NO3 making machine. I guess I am just too lazy to put the work into a canister that it needs. I used to use a Biowheel years a go and it was great. Then about 8 years ago I switched over to the "Berlin" system (LR, DSB, Plenum, and Skimmer) I have never reall looked back. I would save your money and stick with the 400 Filter. Use that money for a good skimmer and a sump/fuge.
Thanks for the replys, now comes the lack of knowledge. What exactly is a "fuge" and what is the function? Please forgive the ignorance.
I will TRY to give you the Cliff's Notes Version of a "Fuge"! :)

A Fuge is short term for a Refugium. It is a "tank" that sits under/above/along sid/behind/hanging on your display tank. Its purpose is to add extra water volume to your system. Take mine for example. I have a 55 Gallon tank + a 10 Gallon "Fuge" + a approx 7 gallon sump. So my total water volume is 72 Gallons. Now some of that is taken up by rock and sand but you get the picture. "So what?!?" you say? "What does more water do for you?!?" Well, I am glad you asked! You know how there is a "rule" that goes something like this: You can only have one inch of fish per gallon of water!</em> Well I have 72 Gallons of water so I can have more fish!!! Second of all it is a place for me to grow Macroalgae. Macroalgae supplies the tank with oxygen and takes out the bad chemicals from your fish poop. But no one has to see a bunch of algea in your tank for you to have Macralgae! It acts like that canister filter that you are going to pay $75, but all natural!! More so then that, it gives you a place to put the crap that no one needs to see: Your Skimmer, your heaters, your UV system, the panties form the chick that your wife does not know about. The list of benifits goes on and on!!! If you need more proof, just ask and read this
a> and google refugium and you will have hours of fun reading.
IMO a HOB fuge is not big enough for 55 gallon tank.I used one on my 46 gallon for over a year and never really seen any benefits from having it.They hold up to about 3-4 gallons at most and theres no real room to grow anything substantial.Money could be spent better elsewhere.Skimmer,sump,etc.....
Hey guys,.. I have a canister (fluval 304} on my 46gl freshwater. I love it,. but you still have to keep up your water changes and such (cause it does make some nitrates). You will need to clean it often as it is a "thing that traps dirt" but they are easy to use and clean. Not sure about salt,.. but I am planning on running mine on my 46 for flow and carbon when I go salt.

Also I thought the "berlin" system consisted of:

Lots of rock
good skimmer
and bare bottom?.. Prehaps I am wrong.
My understanding of "Berlin" system was to either have a bare bottom or very DSB (4" inches and a Plenum if you wanted good measure). As long as you did not go middle of the road on sandbed. The key parts were the skimmer (Which was unheard of back then) and huge amounts of Live Rock (about 1.5 to 2.5 lbs per gallon). I do not know how things have changed in that thinking now. I think the "system" has morphed over the years to be a hybred of many different schools of thinking. Or maybe I was just calling it the wrong thing all these years. Either could be the case!