Finally joined after 7 years. Hope to make some local connections!


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Hey! I'm Jikkers, I've been a reefer for about 7 years, and I currently run a 125g mixed reef and a 24g frogfish tank. Reef2Reef hasn't been doing it for me lately, so I decided to bite the bullet and join ARC! I've recently went through a period of total lack of interest lately, so I thought that joining a local group would give me the kick in the pants I need to get back into the swing of things.
I hope to make some new connections and meet some local folks! It's strangely depressing when nobody you know enjoys the same stuff.
Have a great day and God bless!
Welcome Aboard Hasan Minhaj GIF by Patriot Act
you should put where you are located in the title heading. very interested in the frog fish set up

Any photographs
Welcome and you're in the right place! R2R has a TON of great content but ARC much better for meeting and working with local folks.
And good prices on frags. Basically the whole reason I grace y'all with my presence. :cool:
If you haven't tried flucanazole(reef flux) yet I suggest giving it a try. @jcook54 told me it was the closest thing to a miracle cure in this hobby as you are going to get. Since then I've gotten rid of a ton of GHA and the small amount of briopsis in both of my tanks. Just make sure that you are proactive about pulling the clumps out as they die off or else you will have a bad nutrient spike. At the end of 10-14 days do a water change. If need be save some old water in a bucket, remove the rocks and scrub any leftover patches with a toothbrush.
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Love the white spectrum you've got going on, it's an uncommon sight these days but I think it's beautiful!
Thanks a lot! I really like it too, it's easier on the eyes for viewing and, as the picture shows, my acros have some pretty decent colors beneath it. The one problem is that it encourages algae growth, so I may tone it down a bit while I'm battling this bryopsis.
Hey! I'm Jikkers, I've been a reefer for about 7 years, and I currently run a 125g mixed reef and a 24g frogfish tank. Reef2Reef hasn't been doing it for me lately, so I decided to bite the bullet and join ARC! I've recently went through a period of total lack of interest lately, so I thought that joining a local group would give me the kick in the pants I need to get back into the swing of things.
I hope to make some new connections and meet some local folks! It's strangely depressing when nobody you know enjoys the same stuff.
Have a great day and God bless!
Can we see the frogfish tank though? 😬😬😂