Finger Leather Dropping a Branch - Options


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I'm going to assume it's doing this to reproduce. It actually looks like two branches coming off. It's otherwise pretty happy with good polyp extension.

Before it breaks off completely, should I help it out and yank it off? And then glue it to a small rock? Will it even take glue? What other options do I have here? So many questions!

So for finger leathers I saw that you can stick a toothpick into the bottom of the frag. From there you can stick that into a hole in the rock work. And then over time it will attach to the rock.
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Well, the thing was flopping around so I didn’t want to lose it. I grabbed a small rock and reached in, and as soon as I did, the lower one broke right off. The very bottom of where it broke off was solid white.

I used a drop of superglue and it actually held that tiny bit onto the rock. It’s all shriveled up and does not look happy at all right now. I placed it in lower flow area of the tank.
Glue doesn't work well with leathers they shed in my experience

I’ll keep monitoring it, but it seems like it help at the very tip that broke off. Maybe it’s different if you cut it versus it naturally falling off?

That second, larger branch to the left looks like it’ll drop in a couple days or so... we’ll see if it’s the same!
So for finger leathers I saw that you can stick a toothpick into the bottom of the frag. From there you can stick that into a hole in the rock work. And then over time it will attach to the rock.

That seems... yowch.
Ive seen people use twine/bands to secure em to rubble until they start to grow and attach
yeah for my toadstool and xenia i use some fine fishing line and a needle. Went through the frag with the needle and fishing line and tied it to a piece of rock.
The larger branch still hasn't fallen off, and I tried pulling on it gently and just ended up pissing him off yesterday. Should I take a blade to it, or just let it fall off naturally and hope that I can time it again? If it blows around in the rockwork, I'm not 100% sure I can recover it without destroying my tank.

The smaller one is still holding with just the glue. It's extending polyps, but is not inflated at all. Looks like a gorgonian right now.
Honestly for finger leather I would just clip it off they are very hardy. I would keep an eye on the one that's glued though it's not unlikely for it to come loose. I just tried a new method this morning, I used 1/2 a toothpick and super glued the pick to the frag plug instead of using a rubber band.
You guys and your stabby methods! :D

I’ll clip it end of day tomorrow if it hasn’t released on its own. Maybe try the impaling method.