Finish Off my Fish Stock List ~Red Sea Max Nano


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Hey fellow reefers! I have a red sea max nano, that is a mixed reef. It's been set up since February. Currently I introduced a medium sized clownfish pair in May. Last month I added a Bicolor Blenny. I am looking to add a shrimp and one more nano fish. What would you guys recommend?

Thanks so much!
I would go with a wrasse. Lubbocks wrasse have lots of colors and readily available at a very affordable price.
I would go with a wrasse. Lubbocks wrasse have lots of colors and readily available at a very affordable price.

Would a six line wrasse work? I prefer the look of that one over the Lubbocks. I was also thinking about maybe doing a watchman goby and a pistol shrimp, but I'm afraid of sandstorms in such a small tank.
6 Lines get very aggressive, so i'd be a little cautious with that.

Lubbocks and many types of fairy wrasses are good options.
So are Royal Grammas, or any Watchman goby.
I ended up with a 2 spot Goby at the fish store. Thanks for all the recommendations.

Can I fit in a cleaner shrimp? Would love to have a shrimp in the tank!