Fireworks clove poylps


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I purchased some firework clove polyps probably 3-4 months ago and they grew fine at first but have since slowly faded and gotten shorter and shorter. I thought they would be easy to care for. Eauphellia grows fine in my tank along with other easy LPS… any idea how I might get my clove polyps to grow? Could it be lighting? I thought they would be tolerant of a wide variety of conditions. Any thoughts on the topic?
I guess too much light. My cloves are long and thin, they are in low light area.

Also some of my clove died on high flow area ( but they weren't healthy tho)
Yeah theyre finicky id put them in a super shaded area and glue them to a a small rock and see how they do. They've done much better for me in places i thought nothing would grow. Wierd
Yes, I’ll definitely move them to a super shady spot. Maybe under an outcropping or some place like that.
Cloves need high lighting in my experience. I ha had them thrive in the top of my tank where I grow my acros