First algae out break


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Hate to admit this but i'm having my first algae out break. I don't know if it is a lack of snails, or what. I will admit that i don't have a skimmer, but i do my best to do bi-weekly 7 gallon water changes. I feed every other day. What type of snails eat algae on all surfaces? I think that that would help any other suggestions would be great.
On the walls it is light green and i know it is algae because it is giving off air bubbles, and on the rock and filter it is just seems to be sea grass or maybe hair algae. It is weird cause i would have thought that my tang would have eaten it be it has not touched it.
yeah you need to do more frequent water changes right now-how long has tank been up and running? it is a normal part of cycling-but get some snails-not familiar with all the types-I know there are astreas and stuff-but you also need to be sucking this stuff off when you do your water changes--I assume you're using RO water?
OMG-you realize that they need like at LEAST 75 gallon tank, right? This tang will be miserable and short lived--you need to take him out-
Eric. Lay off him, I've seen the tang, it is doing great and is still really small. I think size to tank size ratio is important. At the size the tang is the 37 is fine. Lay off him. I HATE</em> the tang police.

Colin is not stupid, he has plans for a bigger tank, and he knows what he is doing. I'm sure if the tang seemed unhappy he would try to re-home him. But his question did not have anything to do with the tang.
Yeah i know but he's been in there for almost a year and fine. When he gets bigger i will sell him or upgrade.
steve-i didn't mean to come across as harsh-but tangs are open water swimmers--as said before in SEVERAL other threads they need a MIN of 4' tank-and I think that is pushing it--all I was saying is do what's best for the animal and get rid of it-b/c it's gonna be extra stressed in a freakin' 37 gallon-- if he/she wants to keep it-that's his/her business--
Like I said, a small tang being 1-2 inches does not need a 4' tank. Fish size to tank size ratio is very inportant. I'm sure when the tang gets bigger he will re-home it. Just that isn't for this thread, I have sent you a PM to discuss it further, but I have to ask to just worry about the question at hand, and the question is about algae, not the tang in Colin's tank.
Definitely didn't mean to come off as that, I just don't like when he asked an honest question and people jump on him cause of something in his tank they don't agree with... like you said, it's his choice. Stick to that.
Some algaes are unpalatable to tangs and some tangs are just lazy. Try feeding him a lil less and he'll start to nibble on the veggies. If he still doesn't eat it then we need to positively id the algae.

Your best solution though is to solve your nutrient issue. Reduce nutrient import or increase nutrient export... a skimmer will help quite a bit with this otherwise you have to feed very little...
If you can find trochus snails Colin, that is the way to go, the do breed incessantly but you can always sell them if you feel you have too many, they flip over much better than the astrea's IMO.
some of my hermits ate the hair algae that I had, although it was a small patch they still ate it! My astrea's ate some of it as well.
+1 you can also use nerite snails, they dont reproduce as rapidly.

Steve;253604 wrote: If you can find trochus snails Colin, that is the way to go, the do breed incessantly but you can always sell them if you feel you have too many, they flip over much better than the astrea's IMO.
I have some trochus, and I wish I had more, they all ended up in my sump which was kinda dissappointing...