First Casualty


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Came back from douglasville today and something has ate two legs off and killed one of my pepps!!!!!!! I guess i should have brung them out to flyingarmy:unsure: I dont know what would have done it? Everything in my tank has been in for awhile now. Could it be because they werent fed for two days?

well my hermits just had a good meal. I dont even think the pepp was completly dead before the crabs were all over it:doh:
You mean pepment shirmp?

If so then it could have just molt and look like something kill it. Give it a day or 2 and you will it again
jenkins2212;70037 wrote: well my hermits just had a good meal. I dont even think the pepp was completly dead before the crabs were all over it:doh:

I noticed 2 hermit crabs struggling in my tank a little while ago. One had abandoned its nearby shell and was in the process of evicting the other from its home. I ran to get some extra shells to drop a few down to the pair of crabs. When I got back to the tank, the intruder was just sliding into his new home and the other was clinging to the shell. As I was just about to drop shells into the tank, my six-line wrasse darted in, bit the homeless hermit in half and took off with his prize.

Had no clue a wrasse would do that, but I saw it happen. My fish are regularly fed, so I know he wasn't starving. He just saw an opportunity for a tasty treat and grabbed it.

So... hermits might get a pep, but something else gets the hermie.

Seems like a lot of violence in our little reefs, but I guess that would be the balance of nature in the wild.
no this was actually one of the pepps. Someone had taken two of his legs so he was trying to crawl on the others but then just gave up i guess and the hermits went in for an easy kill!
What fish do you have in your tank? Pseudochromis, Hawkfish, and several Wrasses will eat shrimp and crabs on occasion.
Two clowns, a rainsford, and a sixline. But they have all been in the tank from the beginning. I guess everyone got a free meal today:boo:
That sixline is probably the culprit. Oh well, that's the price we pay for pretty fish.
I have 3 peppermint shrimp, a cleaner shrimp, 3 emerald crabs and several hermits/snails. My six-line wrasse has never shown any interest until he saw that bare-naked hermit crab today.
Yeah, I would think the six-line would be safe but out of everything you listed it's the only one I can see causing the problem. Maybe someone else has a better idea?