First Tank - Question about snails and plants


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I want to add some plants for decor and water health as well as some snails. I have 4 fish (none bigger than 2 inches), an anemone, and 6 blue leg hermits right now. The question is, how many snails do I actually need?

Stores tell you 1 per gallon, which for me would be 60, which sounds like a lot. I don't want to put a bunch in and then they die and decompose in the water. I also want to put enough to keep things under control. Does this sound like too many, not enough, or about right? Should I wait til I see algae before adding snails? This is what I'm thinking about starting out with. Any thoughts/suggestions?

Plants - Red Gracilaria, Red Titan Algae, and Fire Fern
Snails - 5 Dwarf Cerith, 5 Florida Cerith, 5 Nassarius Vibex, and 5 Zig Zag Periwinkles.
IMO you should wait for some algae to bloom before you add them... they need to eat. What I did was added ten when the algae appeared, and slowly added more. I'm up to about 25-30 and am getting about 25 more before it's over (this is in a 90g). I don't think 60 is too unreasonable, but I'd say slowly work up to about 30 and see how they do. If they keep things clean, there's no reason to add more unless you add more waste-producers. Some people differ on what to keep and the numbers, but after having both the one change I'd make if I could: I'd skip hermit crabs altogether and use more snails in their place. The hermits pester corals and fight a lot... not to mention that I am pretty sure they've killed some snails for their shells even though I've provided quite a few empty shells for them.

I know squat about plants; sorry I can't be of any help there.
:yes::yes::yes:Well maybe 1 or 2 crabs or 10 but thats it.

What are your fish?
I have damsels right now. I bought a blue damsel to test my tank, my guinea pig. I told my mother she could buy my niece a fish, but make sure it was only one non-aggressive and not sensitive. She got me 3 more damsels. Ugh. I almost had her return them but I felt really bad because my niece already named them. So I'm just leaving them in here as my starter fish for the next couple of months while I add in my plants, cleaners, and really just finish the decor/layout of my tank. I've already spent quite a bit of money, going to wait until I'm good before adding any expensive fish.

I told her no more fish for a bit, but my other niece really wants a clown fish. I'm ok with that one. My other niece is getting a starfish, my nephew is getting a shrimp, and my other nephew is only 1 so I'll be picking that one. I'm thinking a rose bubble tip anemone. Those things look cool.

Trying to spread them out though, only about 4 inches of fish in my 70 gallon (60 + 10gal sump), so I'm still good right now. But don't want to add too much too fast so told her to wait a week or two before adding any others.

With the upcoming livestock, and 45lbs of liverock, plus a 1" live sand bed, I wanted 5 nassarius to clean my live sand, 5 ceriths to clean the rock and glass, and added the 5 dwarfs and 5 Zig Zags for variety. Would I be safe with the 20 snails or am I rushing it?
The rule that is out there is 1 per gallon but this is one of those things that I think is hooey.

IMHO, when building up a snail crew you should start smaller and add as needed.

If your water is pristine all you will end up doing is starving the snails if you put in too many.
I have a 75 gallon tank with about 100+snails and 50 hermits...Still have a bit of hair algae though...I overkill my clean up crew as it saves me time