First time feeding plate coral with meat - thicc boi


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I've given all my corals plenty of Reef Roids slurry, and of course they get whatever bits from the water column, but today I decided to feed them some MEAT. Scallops, to be exact.

I figured my piggo Copperband would try to get in on it, so I thinly sliced a dime-sized scallop and put some in. All the fish went nuts, eating it out of my hand. Got a couple small pieces to the hammer coral, then noticed an entire slice that was stuck on the plate coral (not intended).

The kole tang tried to pull it away, but the plate coral had its claws in it. 5 minutes later, gulp... I really had no clue they could eat stuff that's almost as big as them. Freaky, and I'm never sticking my bare finger in there again.

Thicc boi results:

One of my favorite things to do in this hobby is put a (very small) piece of shrimp at the outside edge of my fungia and watch as it slowly works it's way up to the mouth and gets eaten. It really is pretty awesome.
I seem to simply enjoy feeding things. Corals, fish, the doggo, monkeys, guests at my house, my face hole...

My surprise is simply in the size of the piece(s) this thing ate, and then got all bloated. Any concerns with doing this? Or are they like fish and won't overeat?

Also: where the heck does this food go? The coral's skeleton is like two stacked quarters. That's crazy to me.