Got our first Triton ICP test results back. Two of the elements were maxed out on the chart and are not items that we are intentionally dosing.
Has anyone found elevated levels of Chromium or Lithium in their Triton ICP lab results? If so, did you find the source?
Here's a link to the full readout:
A couple of other elements it advised tweaking like slightly elevating calcium and boron. We recently switched to Red Sea Blue Bucket from Red Sea Coral Pro to better align the alkalinity of our salt mix with our tank. We have yet to cycle all of the water in the tank out for the new salt mix though. A water change is on the to-do list here soon.
Has anyone found elevated levels of Chromium or Lithium in their Triton ICP lab results? If so, did you find the source?
Here's a link to the full readout:
A couple of other elements it advised tweaking like slightly elevating calcium and boron. We recently switched to Red Sea Blue Bucket from Red Sea Coral Pro to better align the alkalinity of our salt mix with our tank. We have yet to cycle all of the water in the tank out for the new salt mix though. A water change is on the to-do list here soon.