Fish Attack


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I have a young Humu Trigger that has not learned how to sleep without his butt hanging out and a Sally Light Foot got ahold of his tail. It got the tail and a little meat. What are the chances of it growing back? Never have had a fish loose this much of his tail before. I have always seen fins and such grow back. He dosent even seem to care. He is eating well. As for the crab :yes: he now lives in a sump of my 75 with pumps 100 times the size of him and no guards on them. One wrong move and he is reef food:up: . My main concern is finding out if the tail will grow back. I can keep him alive and healthy, but will he have a tail again???

Thanks and Happy Reefing
I have a huma huma and He stuck his face in Mag 7 pump intake and he made a full recovery! They are hardy fish.
Thanks for the help. We are very upset over this. It was not easy finding a trigger this small and this healthy. We will give the vitachem a shot. Like I said he dosent even seem to care. He is handling it better than I would:) . I can not imagine loosing peices of my body and feeling helpless like that. I was able to reach in the tank and pick him up when I moved hime to the 29 by himself. There is alot less current in there and he can move alot better.
He seems to be doing ok. Lets keep our fingers crossed. I will update as things progress!!
andregarcia_73;249205 wrote: Did you use vitachem? What helped?

Paraguard. Its all I had access to quickly. It looks better every day. I am going to invest in the vitachem though for sure.
DrNecropolis;249633 wrote: keep us upto date on how its doing

He has small bones starting to grow out. Looks like the tail may grow back. Almost all the scales and barbs are back and no more fleshy look. He is back in the 65 and handling it well.:up: Thanks for asking:up:
Well we came home today and there was only half a fish left. Do not have a clue what killed him. He may have gotten into the power head. So thats that. I do not think it was the Angel of the Fox Face. I know it was not the Blenny so either there is a ghost Great White in my tank of the Korallia 3 got him:sad:
andregarcia_73;251246 wrote: Sorry to hear that bud!

Yea me to. He would have been a cool fish. I guess its hard to raise a small young fish. He was into everything just like a small child. I have a larger one on hold at LFS. 3 to 4 inches just hope he is not to aggressive. Every time I have bought a larger trigger they have been a little more Jackyl than Hyde! All I can do is try. He is a Humu and they are more layed back then say a Clown or Undulated. He is also going to be the last one added to the tank so maby that will help.