fish catching.


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does anyone know and easy way to catch a fish out of a large tank without removing the rocks. ive tried several traps but my fish are to smart
Fishing pole? LOL. Actually there is thread on R2R where somebody did exactly that with a barbless trout hook.
I've had success with a size #22 barbless fly hook on 6X tippet, baited with PE mysis shrimp. I've caught everything from clowns to a flame angel to a 10" tang that way. But I've accidentally hooked the wrong fish a few times, too...
I read that thread awhile back. Hilarious. I guess you do what you have to

I put a small collapsable cooler in my tank once to catch a fish. I had to wait until he went in but I got him.
You know, it's never a good day when you have to go fishing in your own tank.....
I've read that if you shine a bright light at your fish in the middle of the night they get stunned and are super easy to catch, might be less traumatic than a fishing pole :)
I usually sit there and send negative mental energy at the fish I want to remove. The fish then usually jumps out when I'm around to save them... or become a cracker if I'm not around. It doesn't work on my maroon clowns as they're made of sterner stuff but it did work on 4 other fish... :)