Fish Compatability


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Hi all,

I have a 37 with an Eheim cannister, live sand, live rock. It has been set up about a month now and is cycled. I have a bi color psuedo (daughter likes him) and a lawnmower blenny in there, a few blue leg hermits 2 scarlet hermits and a couple of snails. Nitrates were at 17 and I just did my first water change this evening.

For fish I was looking at an aurora goby with a pistol shrimp, (down the line is fine) a Midas Blenny, a clown goby and either a percula clown or a small dwarf angel. Any potential problems with this W/Fish list? I can return the pseudo if needed as I know he can be pretty territorial. Do you think the clown would get agressive if I included him in here or should I get the dwarf angel instead? I will add them slowly is there a fish that should be added last due to potential territorial issues? (I realize the pseudo if he is kept should have been added last)

Thanks so much
go with a pair of percs instead of the angel and you should be fine, imho.
You are on the small side tank-wise for a dwarf angel, and they are a pretty active fish so that might not be a real good choice. Clowns are perfect for the tank though.
Ok is there a specific order I should add them in? Also should I take out the bi color psuedo I am a bit worried he might messs with the midas or the clown goby.
And thank you so much for the help.