Fish Compatibility Question


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Does anyone have any experience keeping mimic blennies with Blue Spotted Jawfish. We had been contemplating one but did not want to upset our mimic.
Fosters and smith and some other sites have compatibility charts. Don't know how accurate they are but it's a place to start anyway.
I read the charts, they said with caution, I was hoping for some real life experiences from members.
I had a Dusky Jaw living with a Red Sea Mimic Blenny until ummmm I sold it to you.:D Here is an idea for you....I currently have another mimic, I will get a blue spot and put them together and watch them for a couple days. I am not trying to sell you a blue spot just willing to help with your question. Well unless you have not found one already.:shades:


I appreciate the offer.

I'll tell you what, before you bring one in, let me know how much. You can PM me if you want. If reasonable, and I know they are not cheap fish, I will say yes or no lets run the test. But i definitlely will only purchase for our tank if they get along fine. I ...Like must maintain harmony in my tank man..... (little 70's show humor)

Seriously though, I want to make sure all our critters are happy, healthy and safe.

And no it's not time for another tank:D
I think the collection practices have changed, but when I was in college and managed a lfs a few years ago, they (BS) had a very low survival rate. They apparently come from slightly colder water and are susceptible the blue spotted jawfish disease, a bacterial infection that eats the flesh. Just my 2 pennies!

thanks, I saw that in my research (temp requirement) and actually do keep my tank in their range although towards the higher end. 77-78. Will keep that in mind.
Love your 2 cents, It made me do some more reading before putting a foot in my mouth.:doh:"></a>

Well I have really wanted one of these guys myself for a long time and I know it was net-caughtso I am willing.