Fish death and habits


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I have asked this on other forums.. so I was wondering everyone's thoughts here....

I have noticed that maybe fish know when they are dying, or at least are ill....I have noticed that they bury themselves in the rocks head first. I have seen this on numerous occasions. In my tanks and in others.

I wonder what's the point of jambing yourself into the rocks, then dying? Maybe to avoid being eaten?

Thoughts? cause this is bugging me. Other here seen the same thing?

Just rambling thoughts on a Tuesday morning.
I've seen it also and figured it was a defense strategy for a fish in a weakened or sick condition.

Fish seeking protection/shelter in an effort to recover perhaps?
I always figured it was because they tend to swim in fits when they're sick and usually without direction so they ended up wherever they got stuck last and couldn't get out.

If you wandered around your yard in a delerium (or drunk) and didn't stop until you got stuck, you'd probably come to a rest in the bushes, not in the middle of the yard.
George;205208 wrote: If you wandered around your yard in a delerium (or drunk) and didn't stop until you got stuck, you'd probably come to a rest in the bushes, not in the middle of the yard.

voice of experience....?

Lol! George, that's just plain brilliant! The visual is great!