fish food


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Hey everyone,

Gotta go grocery shopping tomorrow for frozen food. Always looking for good suggestions.
Don't need "that stuff's garbage" comments. i know which ones are better quality than others but I like a healthy mix of stuff. Any insight is great just don't want to start a brand bashing thread. Mainly looking for frozen but willing to throw another dry in the mix.

Right now I got a few things i mix/rotate in everyone's diet.

Frozen consists of: san fran bloodworms and plankton, pe mysis and cyclop eeze, nutramar ova, and was using san fran emerald entree and marine cuisine.

Dry: cyclop eeze freeze dried, ocean nutrition form 2 pellets with garlic, and reef chilli. Dry usually all soaked in selcon. Plus a nori sheet from time to time.

Livestock consists of tangs, twinspot goby, pair of clowns, bi color blenny, various shrimp, hectors goby, and a firefish.......unless i buy another fish when shopping tomorrow haha

Sorry for any typos typeing on a tablet is REAL fun.
As far as pellet foods, I started off with New Life Spectrum Marine and every fish I have had loves it. They eat it better than the frozens. I have been told by several of the people I trust and respect that it is a very good food. For a long time it was all I used but now I feed it about every third feeding +/-
rdnelson99;778463 wrote: As far as pellet foods, I started off with New Life Spectrum Marine and every fish I have had loves it. They eat it better than the frozens. I have been told by several of the people I trust and respect that it is a very good food. For a long time it was all I used but now I feed it about every third feeding +/-

Forgot 2 mention that food is mixed in with the ocean pellets lol combined the 2.
sprinklerman500;778486 wrote: Dont sound like you need any thing else lol

Maybe just the kitchen sink but I bet he forgot to mention that too. :yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:
Why not some Mysis Feast, Arcti-pods, and Oyster Feast by Reef Nutrition to the rotation?
JayU;778602 wrote: Why not some Mysis Feast, Arcti-pods, and Oyster Feast by Reef Nutrition to the rotation?

arcti pods I also forgot to mention I had. I tend to forget I even I have it. I feed that about once a week mainly because its out of sight out of mind.

I ended up picking up ocean nutrition formula 2 and omega one chopped shrimp.:up:
Told you he had the kitchen sink in there but just forgot to mention it. LOL
Miami Dolfan;778632 wrote: Why don't you make your own?

Yep! It's a pain to find everything, but once you do you have food for a good 4-5 months. All for maybe $60 (and the next round will only be $12-15).
The-Bubonic-One;778638 wrote: Haha my fish have a more diverse diet then i do.

Same here. But then just about anything is more diverse than beer and pizza. LOL
a trip to the farmers market and $20 later, I've got frozen food for 2 months. I add selcon and garlic guard to it also and they love it.
Miami Dolfan;778700 wrote: a trip to the farmers market and $20 later, I've got frozen food for 2 months. I add selcon and garlic guard to it also and they love it.

Agreed. I add several types of pellets and seaweed into my recipe so there's more upfront expense. I roughly follow melevsreef's recipe.