Fish Foods-What Do You Use?


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I'm sure this has probably popped up many times before, but I've been around for a few months now and haven't seen a thread on it yet!

I think I need to start varying my fishes diet a little. Right now I feed every other day with Ocean Nutrition RDF Formula 1 and Formula 2, both rinsed in a little RO and soaked in Garlic Guard. Sometimes I substitue acube of Ocean Nutrition Super Shrimp in place of Formula 1. I feed Reef Snow three days a week for the corals. On the "off days" I might throw in a pinch of two of Sea Chem Fish Eggs (like crack for my tank!). When I had a tang, I would put a 1/4 to 1/2 sheet of nori on a clip every other day as well. Does this food cut it? Or should I be mixing in some good flake and/or other dry food? Cyclopeeze?
A variety of foods is awesome to add to your love variety just like people :) I feed mysis, brine, PE mysis (though not as much anymore) formula 1 pellets, ocean nutrition flake (2 types) and a few different types of nori. Feed well!!
texhorns98;350463 wrote: I'm sure this has probably popped up many times before, but I've been around for a few months now and haven't seen a thread on it yet!

I think I need to start varying my fishes diet a little. Right now I feed every other day with Ocean Nutrition RDF Formula 1 and Formula 2, both rinsed in a little RO and soaked in Garlic Guard. Sometimes I substitue acube of Ocean Nutrition Super Shrimp in place of Formula 1. I feed Reef Snow three days a week for the corals. On the "off days" I might throw in a pinch of two of Sea Chem Fish Eggs (like crack for my tank!). When I had a tang, I would put a 1/4 to 1/2 sheet of nori on a clip every other day as well. Does this food cut it? Or should I be mixing in some good flake and/or other dry food? Cyclopeeze?

On a daily basis, I mix spirulina, chopped up Nori and a red algae, fozen mysis, frozen brine shrimp, frozen daphnia, and cyclopeeze mixed in tank water once or twice a day. I also feed all my tanks newly hatched brine shrimp each day.

I have one tank with firefish, a yellow goby and pajama cardinals which are still eating a combination of live and frozen brine shrimp at least twice a day.
When people say "pellets", are those different than the frozen cubes? I would think, yes...but I've never seen the pellets in the store (I don't think).
I just throw a potato or two in there every day or two and they seem to like it...
ericmcj31;350544 wrote: I just throw a potato or two in there every day or two and they seem to like it...

Hey're on the REEF boards, not the koi boards. :roll:
ericmcj31;350544 wrote: I just throw a potato or two in there every day or two and they seem to like it...

Sweet, I tried potato CHIPS one time, but they don't like Zapps Jalapeno, I guess. Crazy little fishes...:eek:
I have made my food the last several months. Recipe includes: Shrimp, octopus, squid, omega 1 flakes, FBB, mysis, 2 kinds of nori, seachem garlic, frozen formula 1, peas, freeze dried krill, and seachem vitality. Maybe a few other things I might have forgotten about.
ramone;350567 wrote: I have made my food the last several months. Recipe includes: Shrimp, octopus, squid, omega 1 flakes, FBB, mysis, 2 kinds of nori, seachem garlic, frozen formula 1, peas, freeze dried krill, and seachem vitality. Maybe a few other things I might have forgotten about.

I would have to do this when wifey wasn't home, and on a day when I was sure to not have consumed adult beverages the night before!:sick:
It sure does stink the house up. Fish seem to love it. Costs about $75-80 to make but lasts several months.
texhorns98;350571 wrote: I would have to do this when wifey wasn't home, and on a day when I was sure to not have consumed adult beverages the night before!:sick:


I've used homemade blends, but currently use mysis, flakes and pellets or sometimes left over Chinese Kung Po shrimp as a treat!

I picked up Rod's at MACNA and the tank loved it. Does anybody carry it here in Atlanta?
Made some food out of a bunch of things fish liked. Nasty to clean up food processor. If a little to much fed it fouled the tank and phosphate went up. Skimmer couldn't keep up. Now feed a variety of dry and frozen and live brine daily. Watch what each fish really likes and make sure to feed those foods. I feed some pellets, soaked in tank water to my trigger when he is looking for a snack. Tried frozen krill, all fish hate it even trigger who is like Mikey, "let Mikey try it he eats anything". He grabs some pellets floating down then swims around and cleans them off the bottom. He's the only fish that like the pellets.
Barbara;350714 wrote: Thank God! I was starting to feel like I was overfeeding.

I feed 2-3 cubes every day. I mix RDF Formula 1 and 2, Prime Reef and fortified Brine, all frozen by Oceans Nutrition. In addition, if I pass by the tank and the fish are being extra cute, I'll put in a big pinch of Prime Reef Flake, or a couple "wet finger dips" of formula one and formula 2 mixed pellets. (I dip my finger in the water, and then dip it in the pellets, and then stick the pellet crusted finger into the water.)

I feed my fish by hand, and they are all accustomed to eating right out of my fingertips. I can pet many of them and can reach in the tank and pick up my hawaiian flame wrasses and male lyretail anthias even when I don't have any food in my hand.

ROFL, I get yelled at every day (you're going to kick up the ammonia with all that food!) when I'm feeding them.

We just got a trigger who comes up for his food when you walk up the tank and call him. But I can't take credit for that - his former owner trained him well.