Fish removal


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does anyone have a trick or fish trap that they recommend to get a melanurus wrasse from my tank? Any suggestions are appreciated, as he will be coming out period!!!
I must say I think it was only like $30, well worth it. I have used it several times. He has improved the design a bit since he made mine.
The stuff I want the club to have for members is really things that are needed rarely and are higher cost points. The 2 par meters and the 6 suctions cups fit that. 30 is cost effective enough that its almost not worth the hassle of renting. So I may just pass on them entirely as a club rental item. I'll probably push the emergency recovery kit for tank catastrophes as the next club item.
I must say I think it was only like $30, well worth it. I have used it several times. He has improved the design a bit since he made mine.
He's been crazy busy at work unfortunately for me, I spoke to him last week.
I keep seeing those tankmatz bubble traps on my feed on Instagram and Facebook, no clue if they work and they are very pricey depending on glass thickness of tank- from like $60-200
If they work that might be something the club could get for rental.
DIY Fish trap

This seems like a good idea, it might work .
The guy at pure reef had a helluva time catching my yellow coris - especially with the way their sales tank is set up. He basically scared it into diving under the sand and then put the net over the sand and netted everything- sand and coris.
Or wait until he goes to bed and net him that way
The guy at pure reef had a helluva time catching my yellow coris - especially with the way their sales tank is set up. He basically scared it into diving under the sand and then put the net over the sand and netted everything- sand and coris.
Or wait until he goes to bed and net him that way
It's funny you say that, because I've never seen his sleeping spot! It's top secret!LOL, lol, rofl