Flame Angle Food


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I bought a flame angle about 2 months ago and he has yet to actually eat anything Ive given him, he is obviously eating something but Im worried hes going to start eating corals and would like to feed him!

So far Ive tried...

Frozen mysis shrimp with and without garlic: he tries it and spits it out
Frozen brine shrimp with and without garlic: he tries it and spits it out
Formula one flakes with and without garlic: Doesnt even attempt them
Omega one small pellets with garlic: he tries them but doesnt seem to be able to eat them, yet continues to try (all of my fish have this issue with them)

try qting him in a tank with just him and some water no sand no lr for a few days and see if hell eat there what you feed him if he does then he was probably just living off of your pod population if not then he might be a little ill good luck abd hope all is well
Hes constantly nipping at rocks and sponges, getting him out of the tank alive might be an issue though, hes pretty fast and never strays far from the rocks!
I would give some live food a try. If you can get him to eat live brine shrimp, you might be able to switch him to frozen brine shrimp.

I soaked some pellets overnight and he (along with everything else in the tank) ate them up. Afterwards I fed them frozen brine shrimp and the angle ate a fair amount of it for the first time, he still lost interest before the other fish were finished though. Hopefully hes finally eating, Im curious to see how he does tonight.