Flame Hawkfish


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I am wanting a Flame Hawkfish and was wondering if I would be able to house one with a Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (it is HUGE) and 2 pistol shrimp (easily 2+ inches and has a watchmen goby with them)?
I think the skunk would be a goner. The pistols will probably be ok, though.
50/50 ive seen them pick on inverts and then i ve seen em completely ignore them in some tanks
I agree with everyone above. Hawks are semi-agressive anyways. So the shrimp would not be very intimidating.
Depends on what's important to you in your tank. I l<u>ove</u> my flamehawk. He's so personable, hoping from perch to perch and rolling his eyes at me. Fun to watch.

He's been in my system now for over a year and lives compatibly with a cleaner shrimp and other inverts in which he's shown absolutely no interest. I know that could change at any time and that I'm taking a chance, but Hawkeye stays. Love this guy.
You could try a longnose hawk. All the personality without the lust for inverts! :)