FLOW: 65g Tank... to drill or not to drill


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Okay, I'm debating two different flow upgrades to my tank, thoughts, opinions, criticisms, appreciated... :)

Goal is to target around 30-40x tank turnover per hour.

Plan 1:
Drill the tank, this requires emptying the tank or mostly draining, drilling it and then installing the bulkhead and plumbing for a Closed Loop. Luckily, a fellow ARC member has offered to help me with this, so the actually drilling part shouldn't be too much trouble at all. But I'm still not looking forward to drilling a fully stocked tank after draining 2/3s of it etc., etc., etc...

The closed loop pump would be a Sequence Snapper pumping water up to a CLM w/ 6x nozzles and producing about 2200 gph (after head loss). The nozzles on the CLM would be pointed in all different directions, some crossing paths, etc., creating a lot of inter-locking flow, lots of turbulence, etc.

Plan 2:
This plan comes courtesy of some of what Cameron has posted lately on flow... :)

Here I wouldn't drill the tank at all but use Mag drive pumps plumbed over the tank wall and primed to create my closed loops. I would actually use 2x pumps and 2x CLMs in this design.

The pumps would be either 2x Mag 7s or 2x Mag 9.5s and would each run a CLM half the size of the one in Plan 1. Each CLM would have 3x nozzles all pointing in a similar direction to create as much flow as possible and a fairly laminar flow in the tank, additionally these CLMs would run one at a time. This flow would be somewhat interupted by the 2x return nozzles from the sump.

In this situation, only 1x Mag would run at a time (24hr period) before turning off and having the other Mag run. Each CLM would point in the opposite direction, so every 24hrs the flow in the tank would change directions. Except on thursdays when I'd run both Mags at the same time just to stir stuff up... anyway, here's how it would run.

Day - Direction
Mon ->
Tue <-
Wed ->
Thu -><-
Fri <-
Sat ->
Sun <-


So there you have it, what do you guys think?


I love Plan two, but after a nice discussion with Sam yesterday I would use GenX or OR pumps. I think they would hold up better over the long haul as well as being queiter and pulling less juice. You can plumb one of the two closed loops with just a foot or so of piping as well. If you have a canopy, it would mount right to that. Other than a small intake pipe a few inches below the water line, you wouldn't see a thing.

I would also consider doing a 10-30 minute switch as that should give you that rocking effect that could increase flow even further. A 12 hour switch rather than a full day might be nice as well. Just make sure you cross over in the middle of the day so the flow is evenly disperested over the lighting period on the tank.

Somebody has to do this so we can see how well it works. This could be one of the next big changes in reef tanks.
The double closed loop idea to create two opposing laminar flows on different days is a new one to me. I imagine you could put it on a timer and it would basically be an oceansmotions device hard plumbed but with the flexibility of adjusting when you want the "tide" to change. I think that's the way to go... and I may just follow suit.
thanks guys! The reason for the 24hr changes is to reduce wear and tear on the pumps, I could narrow it down to shorter times as well.

I chose the Mag pumps on account of their cost... :) If I go w/ plan 2, I'm going to sell my Sequence Snapper pump and that's about all the cash I'll have to use.

we have a lot of yard and home repair work that needs to get done this summer, so the budget is tight... :)
Yah the more I think about it, the more I like the idea. +rep for you Mat.
I was kinda hit that that same question on my setup of the 55. Thought about drilling it many many times and it came down to me ready to order the bits online, then I realized that I was about to get into more than I think I wanted to.....what that really means is I want the tank up asap so the cycle can get over faster so I can start to add things :) Plus having a removable CLS is always nice.
glxtrix;41690 wrote: I was kinda hit that that same question on my setup of the 55. Thought about drilling it many many times and it came down to me ready to order the bits online, then I realized that I was about to get into more than I think I wanted to.....what that really means is I want the tank up asap so the cycle can get over faster so I can start to add things :) Plus having a removable CLS is always nice.

lol, i already have my tank set up... it's amazing how much you learn as you go along... if I could start over w/ all the cash I've ever spent on this hobby...
MattTVI;41692 wrote: lol, i already have my tank set up...

heh true...tho it'll be like a new setup if you take out everything ;) Whew, you really want to go thu all the reaquascaping? man thats such a pita!
glxtrix;41693 wrote: heh true...tho it'll be like a new setup if you take out everything ;) Whew, you really want to go thu all the reaquascaping? man thats such a pita!

heck no! Plan 2 means no drilling, so I won't even have to mess w/ the internals of the tank... :)
yeah yeah, plan 2 is my choice too. Screw taking everything out, lol...save that for when you upgrade to a huge tank ;)
glxtrix;41717 wrote: yeah yeah, plan 2 is my choice too. Screw taking everything out, lol...save that for when you upgrade to a huge tank ;)

When I built my new stand, I tried to upgrade... the wife put the nix on that idea right quick... :)
dang, looks like you need to serve her with a lil :slap: lol, just kidding.....man I love useing that icon!
MattTVI;41677 wrote: thanks guys! The reason for the 24hr changes is to reduce wear and tear on the pumps, I could narrow it down to shorter times as well.

I chose the Mag pumps on account of their cost... :) If I go w/ plan 2, I'm going to sell my Sequence Snapper pump and that's about all the cash I'll have to use.

we have a lot of yard and home repair work that needs to get done this summer, so the budget is tight... :)
On a mag drive pump (depending on brand), there isn't a lot of wear and tear on startup since the impellor is seperated from the motor. You just have to worry about running them dry for a second or two which is why I would go with an OR, Sedra or GenX.
Cameron;41753 wrote: On a mag drive pump (depending on brand), there isn't a lot of wear and tear on startup since the impellor is seperated from the motor. You just have to worry about running them dry for a second or two which is why I would go with an OR, Sedra or GenX.

The GenX pumps can run dry better than the danner mag pumps?
Ahhh... now I found this thread and see what is going on. ;)
I would like to see some pictures of the option #2. I cant wrap my little brain around it fully. How are you going to hide all of the intakes for the pumps in your 65g tank?
Neat idea.... I just need to see some pictures. I guess I am a visual learner. :)
I'm grabbing another T4 pump and going to try to get this plumbed in by the end of next week... I'll post pics if and when I finish.
Matt, I like the idea... I have been thinking about it for my 38 gal that I am fixing to build. I would take the advice of Cameron and do a 12 hour cycle switching in mid day. in theory, with SPS, it might allow for the best polyp extention and development on each side of the coral.
JustOneMoreTank;41818 wrote: Ahhh... now I found this thread and see what is going on. ;)
I would like to see some pictures of the option #2. I cant wrap my little brain around it fully. How are you going to hide all of the intakes for the pumps in your 65g tank?
Neat idea.... I just need to see some pictures. I guess I am a visual learner. :)
Pretty simple. You mount a pump so the intake is pointing down into the water say 3 inches with some PVC. Then the output of the pump is hooked to PVC that is about a foot long. On that PVC that is a foot long you have a T connector and an elbow. The T connector is in the middle of the foot long pipe and has some loc line on the T part as does the elbow at the end. Strap the pipe and pump to the canopy top, drop the 3" intake pipe into the water and point the locline where you want it. Then all you have to do is turn it on. Do the exact same thing to the other side of the tank. Now you can turn the pumps on and off at will creating a nice rocking style flow. You could even use enductors to get more flow going.

GenX, Sedras, OR and a variety of other pumps draw less juice and aren't quite as violent on startup. Sedras are espeically known to last. Mags are cheap and hold up well, but are known to be noisy, hot and power hogs.
I'm a visual guy like Chris as well... plus, I don't know that the coffee has taken effect (Affect?) yet...

Cam, in the plumbing setup that you have illustrated above, I would not have to prime the pumps, correct?
Hmmm... anyone know if there will be a bunch of air bubbles upon startup of each pump?