flow in a 60gal cube


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As I am setting up the 60gal cube - I am running into this question.
I have a few Koralias, but would prefer to avoid them for esthetical reasons.
I also have a Tunze Wavebox and a Vortech MP40W, the Vortech currently provides flow to my 90gal standard, but I am thinking to use it in the cube and the Wavebox in the 90.

Any thoughts, fellow reefers?

Aside from my return & filter, all I use is an MP40w on my 60 cube. Works great.
I tried an MP-40 in my 93 cube and even then had to turn it down/point it carefully to avoid folding all my clam's mantles over. Now I run a K4 that blows towards the rear/surface and a MP-20 lower down in the tank at mid-power range.

If I didn't have clams....I'd be rockin' the 40 at full tilt:D

You put that MP-40 high on the back wall pointed forward and it'll provide all the flow imaginable for your tank....especially if you plan on SPS. Bounces off the front glass and produces a nice flow wave over your rock. All my SPS were very happy with the 40 that way....my clams not so much.
I run mine at about 1/2 power on Reefcrest most of the day with 2 periods of short-pulse wave to mix it up a bit.

It is pretty cool that in the cubes (depending on rock layout) you can easily push a wave over the edge of the tank. =)
So I guess one Vortech is good for the cube and I'll have the Wavebox for the 90, bueno!
Robb what substrate are you going to be using? I think the 40W will be fine. 2 MP10 would also work, then you could sync them and do different things with them.