Flow Question


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Stone Mountain
So, I have a 65g standard RR aquarium. Right now I've got an MP40 on the right glass panel. The flow it creates crosses the tank and goes ends up rolling towards the surface where the return skimmer section is on the left back corner. This ends up pushing the surface water away from the skimmer part and I end up with a film on the surface on the right side of my tank. When the MP40 is off, things equalize and the film distributes itself evenly over the entire surface and the surface skimmer can do it's job by removing the film from the top. For some reason it seem to have gotten worse and I'm thinking about turning off the MP40 overnight. Is that a bad idea? That would leave only the sump return pump with about 400 gph of flow through the tank. I know I can just turn the MP40 for 30 minutes here and there and make progress but would turning the thing off for an entire 8 hour night be a bad idea?

My thought is that it's probably not a great idea and I just need to turn it off once in a while for much shorter periods of time but I thought I'd pose the question to all of you good fine people and get your thoughts on the matter.
Hmmm. How about something closer to nature and alter flow every 6 hours. That’s how tides work.
From 1am to 5am my flow cuts down to an 1/8th of what I run at. Also my skimmer is down at that time too. At 2am and 4am I auto dose reefchilli and reefroids. My closed loop system alternates throughout the day on which pump is running. From personal experience the alternation in flow allows corals that are blasted to feed during random times