Flow requirements for Chaeto?


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I have a wad of Cheato in my sump. The sump needs to be redone for the addition of a fuge but for now I am using what my brother made me. Layout is as follows: 30g tall sump. Leftside of sump is for overflow water with one baffle. Then about a 10" section with cheato, 3" sand bed and 10 lbs of LR. Then continues through 3 more baffles then returns to tank. The chaeto was doing ok for a bit but there has been hardly any growth. I have a 5500k light (I think its that) came from my reptile tank with a bulb my brother gave me from when he was using it on his 30g long sump. I was thinking that there might be too much flow for the chaeto and thats why it isn't growing. Today I noticed that the cheato had some white colorings on it and its was no longer its roughish texture more of a jelly like. Appears to be dying or "dissipating." Any info would be appreciated.


3 things

1. Low flow through sump, but try to get chaeto to spin a little with the way the return hits it or with another powerhead

2. Dose some iron a few times a week

3. Feed it a couple of drops of live phyto every other day (I dose iron one day; phyto the next) I am talking drops, so not a lot.
Good article:

This one is more on point:
I used to dose iron regularly when I wasn't doing water changes for months at time. I don't bother with it anymore though and haven't had any macros go asexual as of yet.
if your cheato is growing fast already, I don't think I would do anything. I dose phyto for my pods for my pipefish, but it has been doing better since. I have a very low nutrient tank, so my macro didn't grow at all. phosphates are <0.024 & trates <0.5
I did a WC yesterday about 10% or so. It's a 75g tank. I am guessing that the cheato either A. Used up all its nutrients or B. There wasn't enough in the tank to support it. My brother is bringing down his livestock from his 210g to put in the 75g for a few months so hopefully with the heavier bioload it will help this stuff grow. Also today I found 2x dead turbo snails in the sump. Guessing that they went down the overflow and died. They smelt purdy rank. Think that might have had something to do with it? Also, I found about 7 or so more empty shells in various places in the Main Tank. The only thing in this tank is a Niger Trigger, a predator-looking hermit crab, about 10 or so Blue Leg Hermits and about 10 or so turbo snails and 5 Zebra Snails. And about 30lbs of LR with a 1.5" sand bed. I didn't fully stock the tank b/c I had to be able to accomodate all his stuff from his 210g. But if it doesn't perk up in the next couple weeks I guess I need to start dosing Iron and maybe some Phyto?

Thanks again for the info!

i know hermits can take snails out of their shells if they are looking for a bigger/better shell for themselves.....i have 2 or 3 big red foot snails that i have seen hermits take down just to get them out of their shell.......that could be what all of your empty shells are from