Foam backgrounds


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Inspired by some recent threads here and links to RC, here my questions and concerns.

A) build threads seem to be all around spraying that foam on eggcrate and affixing that to the tankglass; issues here the detritus build up between tank glass and foam.
- so why not affix the eggcrate to the glass and spray the foam 'in tank' - would eliminate all space between foam and glass, can't think of a reason to remove that anyway.

B) Have there been long term tests as far as water contamination goes?
I understand the foam might decay over time (optical issue) but what about the chemical release?

C) Need a test on the stability of eggcrate with foam - how many corals can you put on it (thinking tabling acros e.g.) before the foam gives way?


The back foam you spray it on the glass itself.
Otherwise it floats just like in the movie IT
Greatstuff you would need to carve, but the black pond foam comes out and cures small enough to form your own ridges and you can always throw sand and small rubble on it before it cures. The negative as stated it would be hard to clean problem algaes off
How about an epoxy coat for the cured foam - wouldn't that help with the surface structure for cleaning?
Don't know, but I don't think so and It will rule out the pourousness of the foam and the attachment ease for the corals. May want to ask the long term guys that already have these setups on the links on the other thread to get proper answers.
I think if i were going for the cave look personally I'd stay away from the foam. I've used Great Foam to seal some exterior places on a shed and it did work but, after a couple years exposed to the elements it did degrade and fall apart. I just don't know how long it would last in salt water. Just not enough long term info on it for me.

If i was doing it i would use silicon to glue rubble to the back glass and drill pieces of L/R, affix them using acryllic rods for the shelves. It would be a lot of planning and fore thought but a lot safer IMO for the long haul.
Pond foam is different from great stuff. Designed for the elements
People on on RC have been coating it with epoxy and then crushed base rock. This is supposed to give it a more realistic look and also help prevent any possible breakdown due to UV exposure.