Food question???


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Pellets/ flakes/ brand????

I feed my fish made food pretty much every day (soaked in garlic and selcon) but sometimes when Im in a hurry I just use the prepared stuff. Im running out of what I had (spirulina Flakes and ORS pellets) so im wondering what to get next as im placing an order with Drs. F&S.


Oh yeah, 2 clowns, 1 PBrT, 1 six line, and my newest addition (ill get pictures soon), a swiss guard basslett.
I found pellets to pollute less than flakes. I really like the New Life SPectrum food; it already has garlic as an ingredient.
the only thing i dont like about pellets is that they sink so fast that sometimes the fish cant even get to them and I find myself putting more in because if they hit the bottom the crabs and snails gobble them up. I find that flakes stay a float longer and allow the fish more time to eat. but overall they seem to like pellets better.
Soak the pellts so that they are softer and the fish eat them easier/quicker. Also add them less at a time. Clowns will thank you, but the powder and sixline could prob care less. Will eat them anyway anywhere
yeah exactly...its the clowns that dont go down to get them....

i usually do soak them but they sink faster that way so I stopped. Now I just let them float and sink at their own pace....oh well, I guess pellets it is.
They will dig smaller pellets like the omega ones while you can use the reg for the other guys. They will all get eaten no matter what. May also add the pellets on the opposite side of the clowns and give them a pinch of flake as everyone is outrunning them to the pellets
I second the NLS pellets....Jorge you should know about those well enough from our FW times. The SW line is just as good if not better. For flake, I use Ocean nutrition formula 1 and formula 2. The 2.5oz jar which is a nice size will last a decent amount. Good amount of protein, amino acids....but no garlic. Oh well. The fish seem to absolutely love these flakes! I typically feed every other day with flakes, and then the other days a brine/mysis mixture.
I use Ocean Nutrition Formula 1 and 2 both RDF. Mine aren't pellets though, they're frozen cubes. Is there a benefit to using the pellets over cubes? Cost?
I think it's pretty much relative. Just all depends how you want to introduce food into your tank...pellets, flake or pieces of cut fish (ie. cubes) I've used the cubes before and liked them. I just happen to have pellets laying around and use them every so often....I actually use those to feed my LPS, lol. The flake and frozen brine/mysis is used for fish.
The main thing here is to remember to vary the food you're giving your fish. Don't just feed flake, or pellets. Mix it up and offer a large variety! It's better for the fish.
I've been using one cube of frozen mysis at night and one in the morning. I vary the feeding with pellets that are laced with garlic.

I've tried flakes -- but haven't really figured out how to feed it properly since it tends to float and often is not seen or gets sucked into the overflow. Don't want to shut down the system to feed flakes!

I dissolve the cube in tank water with Selcon then use a turkey baster to feed in small doses. I turn off one PH at one end of the tank to make eating ALL the food easier.

Clowns are shy and want to hang close to their host, so getting the food near them is a priority.

My CBB will only eat mysis or brine -- she just hasn't developed a taste for anything else so far.
When i feed flake I always pinch it, stick my fingers underwater and release. Typically this is done really fast or the group of chromis and sohal will bite my fingers thinking it's food.