For anyone with an AI Prime, what settings do you run?


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Cumming, Georgia
For anyone with an AI Prime, what settings do you run?

Even though I had these lights for several years I never really figured out all the features.

My lights come on at 1:00 pm and ramp up until 1:30 pm and they start ramping down at 10:30 pm and go off at 11:00 pm

I have had great success so far with these setting but I wondering what others are using and what corals do you have:

UV 119%

V 110%

RY 115%

B 110%

G 25%

DR 25%

CW 45%
Oh wow! I run a “refugium AI prime 16 gen 2” and I love it. I think it has just over half of those channels though 😂 it works really well in my fuge. I used to run it at all 70s, but my chaeto started to get burnt so I cut it back to 60% for both red channels, 40% for the violets, and 20% for the whites. I just run a couple black box MarsAquas up top, so I have to say the functionality of the AI Prime is amazing in comparison. My favorite part is the sunrise effect. I’m jealous that you have it on your display where you can appreciate it more!