Found invert problem now need help on solving


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I recently bought a used cube from someone and set it up. I noticed after my cycle that most of my inverts with the exception of hermits would die in a matter of a couple of days. I found the problem the person I got it from used a copper connector on the return. I didnt notice it until I put my new uv sterilizer on. Now the question is when I tested my water for copper it did not detect anything, but what is the best way to rid any slight traces of copper that may be in the water but undetected? The only one I can think of is seachem curpisorb, is there any other way? I do have my tank running and stocked so tearing it down is not an option. I also have some poly filter media in now as well. How long before I can safely add inverts again?
That's a tough one. It depends on how much copper was in the water and how long. The biggest problem is that the rock can absord copper slowly leaching back into the water over time. Although I'm not familiar with cuprisorb, assuming it's reef safe, it's probably a viable option, but I would run carbon as well. I would do several water changes and wait a few weeks, then try adding a couple of snails or hermits.
Did you use the copper connector?

If your water tested negative for copper there likely isn't any in it.

You can run a PolyFilter to see if it picks up any, it changes to a pastel colour when it absorbs heavy metals.

IMO it's a myth that a tank is "ruined" if copper was ever used in it - I've used tanks myself in a commercial setting where I know copper was used, long-term, and I have no issues with inverts.
