Four foot bristleworm


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Well, I suppose it's a good detritus eater....:sick:
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I like the line-
"Matt Slater, the aquarium's curator, said: 'Something was guzzling our reef but we had no idea what, we also found an injured Tang Fish so we laid traps but they got ripped apart in the night.

'That worm must have obliterated the traps. The bait was full of hooks which he must have just digested.'

He ate the hooks! WOW!
He He. I saw one of those worms on a snorkeling trip to the caribbean last year -- the thing was easily four feet long and at least four inches wide, and was sitting out in the open on the sand in the afternoon in about 5 feet of water, busily munching away on a coral.

It was an amazing sight. It had no fear at all -- didn't pay attention to anything but what it was eating.

I would have loved to have a camera to take an image or better yet video of it -- the stuff I saw on that trip was amazing -- juvenile barracudas stalking massive schools of minnows, weird pulsating upside down jellyfish looking things, and then your more normal scorpionfish and other reef fish.

But the worm was definitely a highlight of the trip -- it was a deep rich reddish brown and looked pretty much exactly like the picture, but the body was straight and the head looked like it was folded over onto the neck so that the body was straight but the head was pointed straight down onto the coral. It's kind of hard to describe but it gave the impression that it was "hunched over" and that eating for it was serious business.

I knew much better than to mess with it -- and the way he ignored me showed that he knew that I knew -- but biting through 20 lb fishing line and being able to inflict permanent numbness with his bristles? He needs a much better name than "giant sea worm" -- he's much more of a ****** than those old comic book villains.